creating the future

Russian Ministry of Transport will hold the Transport Technologies Day

Russian Ministry of Transport will hold the Transport Technologies Day
Expo News
Photo: Ministry of Transport of Russia

The Transport Technologies Day will be held on May 15 at the RUSSIA EXPO.

The key event of the industry day will be the plenary session "Prospects for the development of the transport complex: digital innovations and unmanned technologies". The event will take place in Pavilion No. 75, starting at 11:00.

Speakers will talk about digitalization and technological leadership as the basis for the development of the transport industry and the country's economy. They will also touch upon digital tools for the development of urban and public transport, digital infrastructure for achieving technological sovereignty in the transport industry, and the development of unmanned technologies in transport.

The program of events is available at the website. Registration for the event is required. You can sign up for it at the website.
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