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Mikhail Murashko at the Exposition: "Health resort treatment helps to develop a culture of commitment to health"

Mikhail Murashko at the Exposition: "Health resort treatment helps to develop a culture of commitment to health"
Expo News
Photo: Anatoliy Medved/Fotohost-RIA News agency

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko spoke at the plenary session of the X International Congress "Health Resort Treatment", which was held at the RUSSIA EXPO. He spoke about the development of the health resort industry in Russia and outlined further priorities in this area. 

The head of the Russian Ministry of Health noted that the pandemic left a certain mark on the health of Russians, so health or sanatorium-resort treatment as a format of recovery is extremely important. Today, the industry presents primary and high-tech care, assistance to patients with cardiovascular and oncological diseases, a colossal block of rehabilitation.

"In 2023, more than 1,700 institutions provided these types of medical care. Today, the number of beds in them has increased by 450 thousand," said Mikhail Murashko.

He added that for the first quarter this year, compared to the previous period, higher results were achieved in the number of treated patients.

Cluster approaches have already been formed in Russia, which, given the size and capabilities of our country, has a positive effect. For example, the clusters of Kavminvody and Siberian region actually mutually reinforce and complement the general interest of the population to these places, said Mikhail Murashko. 

One of the key tasks is effective utilization of natural opportunities and modern technologies. When purchasing treatment and rehabilitation equipment, it is important to focus on domestic manufacturers.

"Today, modern domestic equipment is being purchased, developments are underway. The sanatorium and resort complex should also form an order for the consumption of products of domestic manufacturers, because the opportunities for the production of these types of products are very good. We should give preference in procurement activities to domestic developers and manufacturers," said Mikhail Murashko.

The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation urged not to downplay the importance of consultative work with patients undergoing sanatorium treatment - this type of work in the health resort complex should be implemented as much as possible.

"The patient who is in the process of receiving medical care in a health resort facility, unfortunately, does not always receive counseling on healthy lifestyle - on proper nutrition, recommendations specifically for their chronic disease, physical activity, the frequency of dispensary monitoring. The situation needs to be corrected. And patients with diabetes mellitus should be involved in the work of the school of diabetes mellitus," said the Minister.

He emphasized that it is also important to inform patients about vaccination, including against pneumococcal infection. Today this direction is actively taken in work.

Mikhail Murashko explained that the recommendations that a patient receives from their attending physician and in health resort facilities should not contradict each other.

"I would like you to carefully review the data when a patient is admitted to the facility. We need to create the ability to prepare not only a health resort card to determine the direction, but also, if necessary, some extracts from the patient's medical records so that the doctors' recommendations do not contradict each other," said Mikhail Murashko.

Badma Bashankaev, Chairman of the State Duma Health Protection Committee, emphasized that representatives of the health resort industry not only take care of people's health and recreation, but also help develop the region's infrastructure.

"If you have accommodated a guest - a patient - well, they will come back to you, and will bring their family. Everyone who stays in the region for more than three days is already economically beneficial for the region. And the region feels it," Badma Bashankaev said.

Oksana Khlyakina, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, read the welcoming speech of Inna Svyatenko, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council. In her greeting Inna Svyatenko noted that in 2023 there was an increased demand from citizens for treatment in complexes in the region of residence.

Oksana Drapkina, chief external specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia on therapy and general medical practice, emphasized that health resort treatment can help increase people's adherence to dispensary monitoring. Nevertheless, a person's health is in their hands, and risk factors determine mortality.

"Five simple components - don't drink, don't smoke, walk at least an hour a day, under-salt your food, eat 400 grams of fruits and vegetables. Following these rules reduces overall mortality by 39%. If we join our efforts, affecting risk factors, we will certainly make a very significant contribution to reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy," said Oksana Drapkina. 

She added that the effects of health resort treatment relate to all major indicators that are associated with a reduction in mortality.

Health resort treatment is a significant measure to restore the body's immune forces and prevent tuberculosis, and in the case of tuberculosis disease - an important stage of complex therapy and rehabilitation after surgical treatment, said Irina Vasilyeva, chief external phthisiatrician of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

"WHO lists the Russian Federation as one of the countries that overcame the impact of COVID-19 with minimal negative impact on the epidemic situation on tuberculosis in 2020 and restored its main positive trend to improve the epidemic situation in 2021," Irina Vasilyeva said.

She added that a history of severe COVID-19 is a risk factor for latent tuberculosis infection progressing to active tuberculosis. According to her, the sanatorium helps to replenish the four deficiencies of a tuberculosis patient's organism - in oxygen, sleep, protein and vitamin metabolism and a sense of joy of life.

Viktor Tutelyan, chief external nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, said that today a health resort institution should combine modern scientific approaches.

"Sanatorium-resort treatment is an integrative platform where all the most advanced scientific approaches should be presented, and the latest innovative technologies should be used for maintaining health and diagnosing disorders that we can detect. It is a place where a person should receive the highest level of professional assistance for addressing health issues," said Viktor Tutelyan.

He added that the integration of science and different directions should be useful today and tomorrow for the health of children and adults.

"The resort is a coveted place where everyone wants to get to and goes there with the hope to get a portion of health, learn to live properly and hope to keep this vitality, this life impulse, which was received at the resort, as long as possible," said Viktor Tutelyan.

Acting Director of the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Resortology of the Ministry of Health of Russia Anatoly Fesyun noted that our country is rich in a variety of resorts. Each of them is unique and has its own peculiarities, and the task of restoring and strengthening people's health has been and remains one of the most important for the state.

"The sanatorium and resort complex of Russia has colossal opportunities for health improvement of the population and increasing the life expectancy of citizens. The significance and, above all, the effectiveness of our activities is reflected in large-scale government initiatives aimed at developing and maintaining the sphere of health resort treatment," said Anatoly Fesyun.

Natalia Mokrysheva, Director of the NMRC of Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, emphasized that Russia has a unique system of supporting health resort treatment and maintaining the health of citizens at the expense of the state budget.

"No other country in the world has a state-supported health resort treatment system like ours. The experience that exists in Russia, our experience, is taken for granted, but it is our fantastic advantage. We must use these resources with great gratitude," said Natalia Mokrysheva.

According to her, recent data show that health resort treatment of patients with diabetes improves the condition of these patients.

"For example, the treatment improves the condition of patients regarding the progression of diabetic neuropathy, micro- and macrovascular disorders. And this is the evidence base, which is bound to expand," said the director of the NMRC of Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

The event also featured an exposition of achievements of the health resort industry, medical equipment and medical devices. Guests of the Congress took part in thematic masterclasses on the management of health resort organizations, marketing, organization of nutrition of patients under health resort treatment, as well as methods of health resort treatment for patients with obesity, heart and vascular diseases, as well as other diseases.

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