creating the future

Development of urban public transport up to 2030 was discussed at the Exposition

Development of urban public transport up to 2030 was discussed at the Exposition
Expo News
Photo: Ramil Sitdikov /Fotohost-RIA News agency

On June 7, the practical conference "Urban Public Transport 2030: Goals, Challenges and Solutions" was held at the Exposition. The event included two sessions - "National Goals and State Policy" and "Tools for Achieving National Goals". Within the framework of the first session, experts discussed regional experience in implementing transport projects and reforms, formulated goals and objectives of development and transformation of urban public transport up to 2030, outlined technological and organizational ways to effectively address these objectives.

Alexander Klimov, Rector of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)) and Alexander Solodkiy, Vice-President of the Association of Transport Engineers, addressed the conference participants with welcoming speeches.

"Without solving the problems of urban transport, we will not be able to ensure the comfort of living for the citizens of our country, and this is extremely important, because comfort makes a person happy and efficient. And, of course, transport is becoming more and more complex and promising, so today we are discussing the problems of automation, service, interaction of different types of transport to make transportation friendly to humans," said Alexander Klimov.

"Creating our Association, we were focused precisely on carrying new innovative solutions that originate from someone in different cities, transfer these solutions and form a platform for exchange of opinions. For this purpose, we hold regular conferences, create training programs. And we hope that today's event will be useful for all its participants," said Alexander Solodkiy.

The experts discussed the state policy in the field of public passenger transport, the development and implementation of regional standards and comprehensive plans for transport services, ways to optimize the organizational and financial model of urban public transport, sources of funding for innovative projects in the field of public passenger transport and other issues.

Sergei Semyonov, Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of automobile and urban passenger transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, spoke about national goals and state policy in the field of passenger transport from the point of view of achieving national goals. In particular, he noted the interim successes in the modernization of transport.

"Since 2018, the first programs to upgrade public transport in the regions with federal support have been launched. And we saw that the measures of state support pushed the regions to transport reform: new large buses and trolleybuses started to be produced, a unified style appeared, there is a reduction in environmental emissions, and so on," Sergei Semyonov noted.

The expert also emphasized the importance of establishing state support measures taking into account the peculiarities of formation and development of transportation systems in the regions.

"Both in the development of national projects and in the provision of support measures - especially if we consider subsidies - we will certainly look at the fact that vehicles with federal support should be delivered to the planned and optimized network and work as efficiently as possible. So the state support measures will be tied in large part to regional standards and plans that the entities will adopt. This is very important, and we will keep an eye on it," concluded Sergei Semyonov.

The reports at the conference were also presented by Alexei Bakirey, First Deputy Director General of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", Nikolai Petrov, Deputy Director General of the company "Movista Regions" for the development of urban electric transport, Yuri Ilyinsky, Executive Director of LLC "SINARA" and others. The meeting was moderated by Ekaterina Bryazgina, Director of the Academy of Transport Planning of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)).

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