Inventing the Future

Ice sculpture festival has opened at the International RUSSIA EXPO - anyone can try being a sculptor and carver.

Ice sculpture festival has opened at the International RUSSIA EXPO - anyone can try being a sculptor and carver.
Expo News
Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA News

Deputy Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» Anastasia Zvyagina noted that the sculptures are works of art. It took about three weeks to create them.

"All the sculptures are about the achievements and major events of Russia in recent years. Here we see the periodic table - Russian scientists have discovered six new elements since 2000. We see the Arctic Floating University - it is the only one in the world. We see the MC-21 civil aircraft. Russia is the only country in the world that assembles such an aircraft independently, without the help of other countries. Here we see Sapsan and the movie Challenge, because Russia is the only country that has shot a film in space", — said Anastasia Zvyagina.

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA News

According to her, the Ice Sculpture Festival will last until February, and in the near future the regions whose expositions are presented at the RUSSIA EXPO will also make ice sculptures.

"The idea of our sculpture festival is inspired by the very theme of the Exposition - to show Russia's achievements over the past 20 years. The country has many successes, but we want to present the main ones - where Russia is the undisputed leader", — said Svetlana Sanayeva, Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation, Culture and Education of the RUSSIA EXPO Directorate.

A total of ten sculptures will be presented at the Exposition, reflecting achievements in space, science, culture, art, construction and industry. While architects are making sculptures, the audience will be able not only to watch the work of the craftsmen, but also to take part in making ice figures themselves.

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA News

The RUSSIA EXPO master Dmitry Kolesnikov said that cutting ice is easier than wood: there are no knots and the structure is homogeneous.

"We cut ice in specially designated places on our water bodies. It is important that the water is clean - then the sculptures turn out beautiful. The only pity is that the work is short-lived", — the artist explained.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. During the whole time of the Exposition, guests will be welcomed with cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program. The exposition will be held at VDNH in Moscow until April 12.

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