Inventing the Future

Exposition "To eat our own!" opened at the International RUSSIA EXPO

Exposition "To eat our own!" opened at the International RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: LLC Horda

The exposition "To eat our own!" dedicated to the development of Russia's agro-industrial complex and its rural areas, as well as achievements in the field of food exports, has opened at the International RUSSIA EXPO. It is arranged by the Ministry of Agriculture (Minselkhoz) together with the Federal Agency for Fishery (Rosrybolovstvo), the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor), Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB), United Grain Company (OZK) and Rosagroleasing.

The grand opening of the exposition was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Olga Gatagova, as well as Chairman of the Council of the Association "People's Farmer" Oleg Sirota.

From today, a new point of attraction has appeared on the map of VDNH - "Novo-Prostokvashino". It is a prototype of a modern village, which has all the necessary infrastructure - spaces for recreation and entertainment, a zone for amateur fishing, its own school and kindergarten, a health clinic, a livestock farm, a greenhouse and even the agricultural holding "Pechkino", where you can get a job. 

The exposition will help to learn more about the achievements of the agrarian industry and see that rural areas today are a comfortable place to live, work and do business. Guests of the village can take on quests "I want to live and work in the village" and "I want to become a farmer", communicate with alpacas, sheep, deer and other animals, take part in master classes on cheese-making and baking or, with the help of an ocean-going bulk carrier simulator, feel like a captain of a ship transporting agricultural products to distant countries. In addition, in the local park of culture and recreation you can taste delicious puff pastries, doughnuts, belyashi and drinks made from wild fruits at special prices or listen to live music.

Another significant location is Pavilion No. 51, where interactive expositions "Grain" and "Export" are presented. The exposition space demonstrates the path of grain from scientific developments to deliveries to the international market.

Here you can learn about the development of Russian plant breeding and the main stages of production: soil preparation and application of mineral fertilizers, plant vegetation and harvesting. Separate zones are dedicated to demonstrations of seven major grain crops grown in Russia and a space combining a real wheat field and panoramic video, which creates a fully immersive effect. 

Visitors to the "Export" exposition will learn about methods of analyzing product quality and the types of food products we sell abroad. An interactive world map shows the geography of shipments to different countries. One of the central installations of this zone is a model of a real grain terminal. 

The exposition in the "Beekeeping" pavilion is devoted to the history and current state of this traditional sub-branch. In the museum part there are various installations demonstrating the processes of honey production and quality control, bee breeds and much more. Tastings of beekeeping products from different regions of Russia are also organized for visitors.  

The "Glavvino" pavilion tells everything about the development of viticulture and winemaking in our country, the main regions of production, the nuances of growing and processing grapes. 

Visitors to the exposition will be able to learn about domestic horse breeding in two pavilions of the Center of National Equestrian Traditions. In the Demonstration Stables they will learn about different breeds of horses and the rules of their upkeep. The interactive Horse Museum will tell about the evolution and biology of these animals, equestrian professions and riding schools, as well as show a stable workshop and art objects. In addition, there will be presentations by leading horse breeders, lectures, meetings with experts and enthusiasts of the equestrian world.

All locations of the exposition "To eat our own!" can be visited free of charge, and in each of them guests will be offered pleasant gifts. And to get the super prize, follow the route of the Big quest, including all points except "Glavvino" pavilion. You can do it in any order and not necessarily at one time. The main thing is to make it by April 12.

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