Inventing the Future

Tasty, healthy and beautiful: Buryat tea at the RUSSIA EXPO

Tasty, healthy and beautiful: Buryat tea at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

In the Department Store of the RUSSIAEXPO you can buy the best goods from all over the country. Special attention is paid to sweets and beverages. On April 12-14 in Pavilion No. 75, the presentation of Buryat tea is being held. One can experience the amazing flavors of the drink made on the basis of herbs, berries and wild plants. All ingredients are collected in ecologically clean areas of the Baikal region.

Tea drinks from Baikal are not only delicious, but also incredibly useful. For example, the combination of Ivan-tea (willow tea), sea buckthorn and tarragon helps to cleanse the body, energizes, stimulates brain activity, reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood and even has immune-stimulating effect. If you are attracted by the smell of currants, then such a tea additive will have a powerful antioxidant effect, and tea "Forest Berries" has a beneficial effect on muscles and bone tissue, slows down the aging process.

Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The incredible benefits of natural Baikal drinks will be revealed at the presentation. In addition, the Department Store offers Buryat sweets: chocolate, jam and, of course, the famous honey with its rich flavor.

Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

And to make the tea party not only tasty, healthy, but also beautiful, use the tableware of Buryat artisans. There are incredible glasses decorated with paintings of famous artists. Thanks to special lids, such glasses can be taken with you to enjoy a drink on a walk. You can also buy painted tea pairs with original patterns and unusual sugar bowls, for example, shaped like a charming Baikal seal.

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