04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


Flower Alley

The festival began on 21 May and ended on 8 July, on the last day of the RUSSIA EXPO. This large-scale flower marathon captured the whole VDNKh area, and unique art objects made of flowers were introduced in several locations simultaneously. Guests could witness more than 100 million flowers, flower exhibits from all 89 regions of the country, and designer flower compositions from institutions and state corporations. Future in Flowers workshop held floristry classes, lectures from well-known plant breeders, and fun trivia games. Visitors were shown the best achievements of national plant breeders: about 400 types of peonies, 140 types of lilacs, 120 types of irises, 250 types of roses, 30 types of dahlias, as well as other flowers and plants of Russia.

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All regions
Altai region
Amur region
Arkhangelsk region
Astrakhan region
Belgorod region
Bryansk region
Chechen Republic
Chelyabinsk region
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Chuvash Republic
Donetsk People’s Republic
Irkutsk region
Ivanovo region
Jewish autonomous region
Kaliningrad region
Kaluga region
Kamchatka region
Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Kemerovo region
Khabarovsk region
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra
Kherson region
Kirov region
Kostroma region
Krasnodar region
Krasnoyarsk region
Kurgan region
Kursk region
Leningrad region
Lipetsk region
Lugansk People's Republic
Magadan region
Moscow region
Murmansk region
Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Nizhny Novgorod region
Novgorod region
Novosibirsk region
Omsk region
Orel region
Orenburg region
Penza region
Perm region
Primorsky Krai
Pskov region
Republic of Adygea
Republic of Altai
Republic of Bashkortostan
Republic of Buryatia
Republic of Crimea
Republic of Dagestan
Republic of Ingushetia
Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
Republic of Kalmykia
Republic of Karelia
Republic of Khakassia
Republic of Komi
Republic of Mari El
Republic of Mordovia
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Republic of Tatarstan
Republic of Tuva
Republic of Udmurtia
Rostov region
Ryazan region
Saint Petersburg
Sakhalin region
Samara region
Saratov region
Smolensk region
Stavropol region
Sverdlovsk region
Tambov region
Tomsk region
Tula region
Tver region
Tyumen region
Ulyanovsk region
Vladimir region
Volgograd region
Vologda region
Voronezh region
Yamalo-Nenets autonomous area
Yaroslavl region
Zabaykalsky region
Zaporozhye region
All flowers
Adams' rhododendron
Alpine Bearberry
Alpine aster
Anemone hepatica
Anomalous peony
Apple tree
Artysh (Siberian juniper)
Asian globe flower
Blue spruce
Caucasian rhododendron
Cherry tree
Common yarrow
Cowslip primrose
Creeping jenny
Daurian rhododendron
European olive
Feather grass
Fern, or Common Ostrich Fern
Fernleaf peony
Field horsetail
Floribunda rose
Great burnet
Ivan Chai
Kaluga rose
Kamchatka bilberry
Komarov’s lotus
Marya's root
Narrow-leaf fireweed (Ivan-chai)
Pontic rhododendron
Purple loosestrife
Red clover
Red clover
Red-stemmed buckwheat
Reindeer lichen
Rhodiola rosea
Rhododendron mucronulatum
Rocky Mountain juniper "Fisht"
Schrenck’s tulip
Sea holly
Siberian dwarf pine
Siberian iris
Siberian pine
Snowdrop anemone
Sorbocotoneaster Pozdnjakovii
Sphagnum moss
Spring pheasant's eye (adonis)
Stankevich pine
Steppe Sage
Sweet alyssum
Taraxacum leucoglossum dandelion
Tuberous begonia
Venus slipper
Venus slipper orchid
Viola Wittrockiana
Wild rose
Zhiguli thyme
  • Schisandra. Amur region

    Chinese magnolia vine or five-flavor berry (lat. Schisándra chinénsis) is a species of flowering plants of the genus Schisandra in the family Schisandraceae.

    It is a unique plant of the Far East, a woody deciduous creeping liana 10-15 m long and up to 1.5-2 cm in diameter, in northern areas — up to 2-4 m long, spirally winding supports clockwise.

    Europeans learned about Chinese magnolia vine in the early XIX century, about the same time Russian scientists became interested in it. In 1895, botanist and connoisseur of Far Eastern plants Vladimir Komarov published the stories of hunters that, going to the taiga for a long time, they do not take large stocks of food, and instead restore their strength with dried Schisandra berries. Thanks to this, they can chase sables for days without food and rest, keeping vigor of mind and sharpness of eye. Fishermen, leaving for a voyage, stocked up on the juice of the fruit of this liana, as it relieves seasickness.

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  • Narrow-leaf fireweed (Ivan-chai). Tyumen region

    Narrow-leaf fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.) known in Russia as Ivan-chai (lit. Ivan-tea) is a perennial herbaceous plant, the type species of the genus Chamaenerion, belonging to the family Onagraceae. It is often considered part of the genus Epilobium. Commonly known as "Koporye tea" and "field tea," in Russia, it has been used to produce tea as a substitute for expensive Chinese tea since the XVIII century.

    Fireweed is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the forest zone of Siberia, where it is one of the main honey plants. In the Tyumen region, it grows in the Tobolsk district and the Antipino area. Look for Ivan-chai on forest edges, ravine slopes, and riverbanks. This plant can quickly cover large areas in clearings and burnt-out areas due to its rapid vegetative reproduction, which helps restore soil fertility. Due to its ability to grow in fire-damaged areas, it is also called fire herb, garevik, pozharnik in Russia.

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  • Chamomile. Voronezh region

    Chamomile, symbolizing tenderness and beauty, finds a special place in the hearts of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region.

    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. It is characterized by cultivation both for decorative and medicinal purposes. In the Voronezh region, it grows in the wild, but is also actively cultivated in personal and commercial farms.

    In medicine, chamomile is used to treat gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, dysentery, liver diseases, kidney, bladder, nervous system. Chamomile is used for malaria, insomnia, colds, scrofula. Chamomile relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines, has a beneficial effect on the condition of mucous membranes, helps with ulcers, boils, gout, eczema, toothache, migraine, bruises. Flowers of chamomile are used to prepare infusions, decoctions, lotions, teas.

    During the blooming season, which lasts from May to June, the fields and meadows of the region are covered with a snow-white carpet of chamomile, attracting tourists and artists.

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  • Wild strawberry. Ryazan region

    The main feature and pride of the Ryazan region are its forests, which occupy almost a third of the region's territory. The most common type is the pine forest, covering vast areas in the north and east of the region. These areas are incredibly rich in forest harvests: an abundance of mushrooms, valuable essential oil, medicinal and tea plants is complemented by a berry feast. Blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries, and, of course, the beloved wild strawberries.

    Wild strawberries are valued for their tasty berries and healing properties. The Latin name "fragare" translates to "fragrance." The berries of wild strawberries are indeed very aromatic, juicy, tasty, and sweet.

    Wild strawberries also benefit those seeking rejuvenating effects: the essential oil of the berries has anti-inflammatory, calming, and rejuvenating properties. 

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  • Feather grass. Orenburg region

    The blooming of feather grass is an event of unique beauty in the Orenburg region, one that leaves a lasting impression. Feather grass is a genus of perennial monocotyledonous herbaceous plants from the family Poaceae, or true grasses. It is one of the most common plants in the steppes.

    In Latin and Greek, feather grass is known as Stipa, a name closely related to the Russian word for "steppe." Feather grass thrives in dry soil, growing in steppe meadows, open hills, rocks, and stony outcrops. There are about 80 species of feather grass in Russia, and around 300 species worldwide.

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  • Sunflower. Kherson region

    The sunflower belongs to a vast polymorphic genus in the Asteraceae family. The Latin name of the genus, Helianthus, translates to "sun flower."

    A sunflower is not just a single flower but thousands of tiny ones, called disc florets, because their centers form perfect spirals. The flowers in the center of a sunflower grow according to a precise mathematical pattern called the golden ratio.

    The Russian name (“podsolnukh” that can be roughly translated as “under the sun flower”) arises from the ability of the flower heads to always turn toward the sun. Sunflowers have a special sensitivity to sunlight, which allows their heads to turn throughout the day, following the sun’s path across the sky.

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Learn more about Flowers
Beauty, harmony and inspiration: why you should see the regional flowerbeds at the "Future in Flowers" Festival

Along with the RUSSIA EXPO, the flower festival is also coming to an end. 

Past, present and future displayed in regional flowerbed expositions at the flower festival

The "Future in Flowers" festival continues at the RUSSIA EXPO, where unique flowerbeds from all regions of our country can be seen at the "Space" pavilion until July 8. 

Catch fish and see the Astrakhan Kremlin: colorful and unique flowerbeds of the regions at the "Future in Flowers" festival

The RUSSIA EXPO concludes on July 8, and with it, the flower festival will also come to an end.

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