Inventing the Future

Try the "Seven Spices" dessert and cheeses made according to old recipes at the Farmers Fair

Try the "Seven Spices" dessert and cheeses made according to old recipes at the Farmers Fair
Expo News
Photo: Provided by the fair's press service

The International RUSSIA EXPO not only brings positive emotions but also offers a vibrant gastronomic experience. At the Farmers Fair in Pavilion No. 48, from June 25 to 30, visitors can enjoy a variety of cheeses, exquisite desserts made from nuts and candied fruits, natural marmalade, as well as fish and meat delicacies.

A participant from Moscow, under the brand "Seven Spices", will bring their unique desserts made from nuts, dried fruits, berries and honey, with added spices. These sweets are perfect not only for tea and coffee but also as a snack with cheese. They are a healthy snack, convenient to take to work or school. The dessert contains no added sugar, only honey from the apiaries of Belgorod and Voronezh regions. The secret to its flavor lies in special recipes developed by the company's specialists, based on classic Italian and Eastern sweets, with their own unique twist and preparation method.

Photo: Provided by the fair's press service

The brand from the Arkhangelsk region, "Sweet White Sea", will also delight with a tasty and healthy dessert. Their unique marmalade contains a large number of wild berries harvested in the northernmost areas of the Arkhangelsk region, on the shores of the White Sea. Berries grown in the North contain more vitamins and minerals than those from southern regions. With a short summer and harsh conditions, these berries accumulate the maximum amount of beneficial nutrients.

Photo: Provided by the fair's press service

The Tambov region will once again bring "VERO, RoSy" cheeses from a small cheesemaking workshop with traditional artisanal production in one of the cleanest regions of Russia. Traditionally, the Tambov land is known for its black soil. Therefore, the fodder grown in these meadows has a special aroma of diverse herbs, which is passed on to the milk. Natural cheeses and strict adherence to old artisanal recipes distinguish the brand's products from industrial cheeses.

The participant from the Ryazan region, "Milk Goose", under the brand "Ryazanka", will also present natural cheeses and dairy products. The dairy workshop is located near the village of Timokhino in the Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan region. Here, the floodplain meadows grow unique diverse herbs — the basis of the diet for the herd, giving milk of exceptional taste quality. Visitors can purchase whole pasteurized milk, baked milk from whole milk, four types of fruit and berry yogurts, 20% sour cream, whole milk kefir, 1% kefir, fermented baked milk, 3% and 9% cottage cheese, cottage cheese with raisins, soft Adyghe cheese, traditional unsalted sweet cream butter and the fermented milk drink "Matsoni".

Photo: Provided by the fair's press service

The brand "Fratelli" from Saint Petersburg is responsible for classic European cheeses this week. In just three years, their cheeses have become known and loved throughout the country, from Norilsk to Sochi. An Italian cheese participant from the Belgorod region will present cheeses under the brand "From Cheese to Wine". They produce seven types of cheese using Italian technology: mozzarella, burrata, stracciatella, ricotta, scamorza, stracchino and caciotta. To master this complex art, their workers trained under renowned cheesemakers.

Additionally, at the Farmers Fair, you can buy gingerbread, bream and trout, sausages and meat.

Photo: Provided by the fair's press service
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