Ancient sacred symbols protect the Lugansk Republic Christmas tree at VDNH
Motanki dolls, made in traditional colors of the Lugansk region, have become the main element of the decoration of the republic's New Year tree.
Their name comes from the way they were made - the cloth was not sewn with a needle, but was rolled by tying threads around it.
Since ancient times rag dolls have been an integral attribute of Slavic life. They were first made more than 5 thousand years ago. Motanki do not usually have a face, and the legs are often replaced by a sack.
We are accustomed to perceive dolls as toys. But history tells us that the first dolls were specifically a magical attribute. It was believed that the motanka doll can protect a person and his loved ones from the evil eye, evil spirits, as well as preserve home coziness and peace.
The purpose of most Slavic doll amulets can be understood by their names. Podorozhnitsa protects on the road, Nerazluchniki help lovers, Krupenichka protects the family from hunger, and Zhelannitsa fulfills the intended.
On the Main Alley of VDNH visitors are greeted by 89 fir trees, each of which represents a region of the country with its folk arts and crafts and traditions. And the 90th blue spruce represents the RUSSIA EXPO itself. The trees came from the Moscow region, where they have been carefully cultivated for many years. After the exposition, the spruces will be planted near VDNH.
The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. During the whole period of the Exposition, guests are welcomed with cultural and entertainment events, a rich business and educational program. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."