Natalia Virtuozova: "There has never been anything like the RUSSIA EXPO in history"
On November
4, 2023, the largest project in the country, the RUSSIA EXPO, opened its doors
to visitors at VDNH. It was initially planned to run until April and to
showcase the achievements of the country and its regions. The event became so
popular that it was decided to extend the RUSSIA EXPO until July 8, 2024.
Natalia Virtuosova, Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition
of Achievements "Russia"», told the editor-in-chief of CongressTime
magazine, Daria Ostrovskaya, how this project was created, the concepts behind
it and what to expect after its conclusion.
Sergeevna, do you remember how you were offered to lead this project? Did you
agree right away?
It was a logical continuation of my professional activities. While working in
the government of the Moscow region, I oversaw information policy, culture and
tourism. Of course, it was somewhat unusual to start working in the
directorate, because I had never directly managed events before. But the RUSSIA
EXPO was meant to be unique, so I instantly agreed. And now I can confidently
say that it is a great honor for me to be involved in such a project.
Did your
expectations match reality?
definitely did not. Neither I nor anyone else thought we would make such an exposition.
It exceeded all expectations. This is because absolutely everyone contributed
to the project. The exposition is constantly growing, and I feel that now it is
leading us and setting the pace that we strive to keep up with.
What event
or meeting within the exposition program stood out to you the most and why?
such an event is always the visit of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, because it
was his idea and decision. We were very anxious not to let him down,
understanding the support and efforts invested in the project from across the
country. Overall, there are many bright moments. For example, when the Academic
Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov
performs and the entire hall sings along standing, or when scenes from the
beloved film "At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own" are
shown to the music of Eduard Artemyev. In such moments, unity arises in the
hall because people see something very important and dear to them.
I will
share a few personal stories. Once at the exposition, I saw four wonderful
women sitting together. I approached them and asked where they had come from.
It turned out they were from Yaroslavl. After retiring, they travel a lot, and
our exposition became one of their trips. We walked around the exposition
together, and I invited them to come again. They have visited me three times
already! Each time with protective charm gifts. We constantly keep in touch. I
am now expecting them at the "Future in Flowers" festival at VDNH.
I believe
that the RUSSIA EXPO is primarily a project about love and human relationships.
Imagine, these travelers come from Yaroslavl, spending several hours each time
to visit our exposition and learn something new about their country.
memorable moment happened when a delegation from Italy visited us. They spent a
long time at the exposition and enjoyed everything. I always try to accompany
foreign guests to convince them that our country has a different image than the
one being portrayed in the West. At the end of the visit, one of the delegation
members approached me and said he wanted to scold us. I was a bit taken aback,
but he continued, "You behave terribly! You are too modest, and that is a
crime. You should tell the whole world what a wonderful country you have!"
These are
perhaps some of the most striking episodes.
evaluation of the RUSSIA EXPO was the most important to you?
This might
sound pretentious, but it’s the evaluation of the people. I start my day by
touring the exposition and talking a lot with visitors. Of course, some people
criticize. Recently, a visitor reproached me for talking a lot about Kamchatka,
saying that in reality, the infrastructure and services there are not as great.
I agree that not all our regions meet service expectations, but that will
change as we ourselves start traveling more within the country, thereby helping
to create the conditions and infrastructure we need. It's always a two-way
A Muscovite
recently told me that our Telegram channel is not very clear and is difficult
to navigate. They suggested creating a news channel where information about
upcoming events at the exposition could be easily and quickly accessed. And we
launched it.
I saw that
there is now a separate channel with the program of exposition events.
Yes, we
listen to our guests. Most of the feedback is positive, and everyone enjoys the
exposition. Many express their gratitude, and these emotions are invaluable.
By the way,
how many people have visited the RUSSIA EXPO so far?
Since the
beginning of its operation, more than 15 million people have visited it. On a
daily basis, we receive 100-120 thousand guests, although we initially planned
for 60-70 thousand.
That sounds
very large-scale. How many companies were involved in preparing the exposition?
It was organized in record time.
Yes, we had
very little time. At the start of the project, we reached out to almost all
professional companies in the market, asking them to participate in preparing
the exposition. Not all agreed for various reasons: some had too many orders,
some did not believe in the idea, and some were not ready for such deadlines.
Today, we have 450 companies working with us, including more than 120 in
pavilion construction and maintenance.
How is the
coordination of so many contractors managed? It seems to me that the key to any
project is to ensure that everyone works smoothly like clockwork.
It was very
challenging, including forming the team. When we started assembling the
directorate, many said the project was temporary and were not ready to join.
You know well that there are leaders in our market, including the Roscongress
Foundation, which we look up to. Such large companies always have many people
involved, considering the scale and regularity of their events. Our situation
is different. Convincing people to work with us was not easy. I think our team
came together when everyone began to believe in the project.
exposition is constantly changing and growing. Initially, there was the winter
season, then the summer season. Many temporary projects take place on the
venue. To coordinate all of this, we developed unified requirements for the
expositions, which are outlined in the technical specifications for
participants and their contractors. Within the directorate, there are several
functional areas, each headed by one person. For example, there are cultural
and business programs, among others. There are also directions dedicated for
specific projects, such as the "Future in Flowers" festival. All
people are interconnected.
Is it a
classic matrix structure?
Yes, the
subordination of employees is organized both functionally and by project. No
key decision regarding the development of the exposition is made without the
participation of all sectors.
How many
people are currently working in the directorate?
A total of
321 people. When we launched the exposition on November 4, 2023, there were 150
of us. But as I mentioned, the project is growing and developing.
Do I
understand correctly that the directorate's functionality involves ideology and
key requirements? What powers do the participants, including the regions, have?
The head of
the sector controls the implementation of the technical specifications
developed for a particular section of the exposition. They pass it on to the
participants and involved contractors. Additionally, for some sections, such as
the cultural program, we send everyone a matrix of planned events and their
formats, and the exhibitors then decide which formats they are ready to
integrate into. This is how we work with our 132 participants. Of course, there
can be exceptions, but overall, our program represents a unified matrix.
technical specifications and event matrix are determined by the concept of the
exposition. How was it created? The RUSSIA EXPO is often compared to the World
There has
never been anything like the RUSSIA EXPO in history. I constantly emphasize
that the exposition was created by the whole country. It’s true. It's utopian
to believe that such a project was conceived by a few specific people. The
exposition had several tasks. Firstly, it had to be about pride and love for
one's country. Secondly, this project had to embody a dream. Thirdly, the
exposition was created for people, and the most important guests are children.
You can deceive an adult, you can force a child, but you cannot deceive them.
We wanted to genuinely and sincerely captivate the children's audience. I think
we succeeded. Children come back to us more than once. Also, our exposition is
a territory of gratitude.
How is this
Our country
has a big, kind, compassionate and open heart. We even chose this image for the
official symbol of the exposition. It was important to us that people coming to
the exposition feel a sense of gratitude to the country, to the people who
created this exposition, and to those who are experiencing it with them. We
managed to create an atmosphere of mutual gratitude. All our visitors always
smile. Paper hearts are laid out everywhere on the site, where anyone can leave
their feedback. People write in different languages and thank us for the
By the way,
the heart in the event's official symbol consists of fonts that were prevalent
at different times. You can find letters from the era of Alexei Mikhailovich,
Peter I, our time and others. Each such script is documented. The idea belongs
to the incredibly talented artist Andrei Sheluto. It is based on the
unification of all eras in the big heart of Russia. This is also a kind of gratitude
- to our history and our ancestors. It was very important for us to talk about
pride, dreams and the future at the exposition.
Is the new
stage that the RUSSIA EXPO is entering dedicated to the future?
right. It began after April 12, 2024. Its general theme is "Creating the
Future". When we were planning the new stage, an artist told us, "Why
do people love the Soviet past? Because it had a future". What is
happening in the world today? The present is destroying both the past and the
future. Our task is precisely to create a future without breaking the past. I
believe we are succeeding in this.
What future
awaits the exposition itself after July 8? What ideas are there for preserving
the accumulated experience?
We have a
directive from the president to create the Russia National Centre and its
branches in the regions. Work in this direction has begun. It's not an easy
task. Currently, together with the Moscow government, we are looking for a
place to house such a centre. Similar work is being done in the regions. Some
will create a branch in existing spaces, some will provide land, and some have
sites similar to VDNH.
A similar
centre has already been launched in St. Petersburg.
Yes, that's
the first project. But we are already working with many regions in this
direction. By the way, the RUSSIA EXPO has sparked healthy competition. Each
region strives to continuously update and develop its exposition. I think this
will continue. Within the directorate, we have introduced a new section called
"Legacy". Work is currently underway to systematize and describe the
Russia National Centre.
Will the
exposition's branding be updated considering these plans?
We have
already introduced a new symbol. It’s a lion.
Why was
such an image chosen? After all, legacy is about the future, and a lion seems
like a symbol from the past.
The lion
symbolizes strong authority and the revival of culture. Many ask us why Russia
uses lions and why we borrowed this symbol from European heraldry. The lion is
a biblical symbol and has always been present in our country. You can see it on
Alexander Nevsky's sword, encounter it in folklore and so on. Lions appear on
the coats of arms of Russian cities like Vladimir, Belgorod and Krasnoyarsk.
Our lion design draws inspiration from the tiles of the cathedral in Vladimir.
Take note of the depiction: it seems as if the animal is smiling. This is a
distinctly Russian and authentic history.
Speaking of
legacy, can you foresee an event of this format and scale being repeated?
No. The
exposition is a unique event. It appeared precisely at this time, in this
place, with the current mood and sentiment that exist in the country today. It
was created by people who incredibly believe in and are proud of Russia. The
event will undoubtedly influence the entire congress and exhibition industry,
but a repetition is impossible.
In your
opinion, what impact has the exposition had on the congress and exhibition
industry as a whole?
EXPO has elevated the industry to a new qualitative level. Not because we are
so remarkable, but because the project involves the best representatives of the
market. The collaboration and joint efforts have set a high standard not only
for the Russian exhibition movement but also globally. Many foreign delegations
visiting us are impressed by the quality of the exhibits - not only their
technical level but also their conceptual depth. The cultural and business
program within the exposition framework also provides an incredible effect.
Are there
any preliminary assessments of how the exposition has impacted the country's
economy, specifically Moscow's?
I think
it's difficult to assess, but we see certain small victories. For example,
there's a department store at the exposition where goods from across the country
are gathered - 602 producers in total. Today, there are brands that people line
up for, such as Sarapul marshmallow, Luhansk corn sticks coated in chocolate
and home textiles with Yelets lace. I'd also like to add that four Russian
cosmetics brands, after being presented in the department store, gained
placement in chain store shelves, and two more manufacturers opened branches in
Moscow. Overall, another achievement is the fact that a huge number of people
plan their vacations to coincide with visiting the RUSSIA EXPO, which involves
tickets, hotels, restaurants and so on.
So, is this
effect nationwide?
Yes. The
tourism industry will undoubtedly also feel the effect of the exposition.
People will travel around the country. Governors and representatives of regions
tell us that tourists are visiting thanks to the project. We're now at the
beginning of the summer tourist season. I believe that by the end of the year,
there will be even more such visitors. The most important thing is for the
on-site service to be able to respond quickly to the influx of visitors. But,
as I mentioned earlier, this is a two-way street and mutual work. It results in
such a delayed economic effect. Our team definitely has a lot to be proud of.
Flash Poll:
What are
three places on the map of Russia that are on your agenda for visiting in the
near future?
I really
want to visit the Arkhangelsk region. I know little about the Caucasus and
definitely want to visit the regions located there. And I haven't been to
What helps
you stay in the resource?
Home, loved
ones and love.
favorite proverb/saying?
It's just
the beginning.
As part of the exclusive program "Thursday. Development," the National Centre RUSSIA hosted an educational event titled "Zoo World: Animals and Us" on March 13.
Guests can get acquainted with rare flowering plants that have medicinal properties at the large-scale exposition "Journey Across Russia".
The "Fashion" exposition of young designers at the Department Store of the National Centre RUSSIA introduces visitors to domestic artists