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Fly on a plane, learn about finances and ride slides: children’s rooms at the RUSSIA EXPO

Fly on a plane, learn about finances and ride slides: children’s rooms at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/RIA News

The International RUSSIA EXPO is perfect for family outings. There's something for everyone — teenagers, preschoolers and their parents. Some pavilions have play areas where you can leave children under the supervision of animators for a short while.

Pavilion of the Central Bank of Russia "Smart Finances"

Money, loans and investments are not complicated but very interesting. This can be seen at the Central Bank’s exposition, where children and adults can learn financial literacy through games, quizzes and quests. For the youngest visitors, there is a children’s area with bean bags and soft toys, where they can draw on the walls, color, watch cartoons and play computer games. Children under five must be accompanied, but older children can stay in the room under the supervision of an attendant. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy coffee or explore the exposition on their own.

Photo: Sergey Pyatakov/RIA News

Pavilion of the Ministry of Natural Resources "Prirodograd. City of Professions"

In this pavilion, children embark on an exciting journey with a guide. They learn about the importance of ecology, study meteorological phenomena, parachute into a burning forest, fly a plane, stop a fire and visit a research station. Parents can view nearby expositions or stroll around the RUSSIA EXPO while waiting for their children. For a comfortable visit to Prirodograd, it’s best to register in advance. 

Pavilion of the Coordination Centre of the Government of the Russian Federation

If you're interested in government work, be sure to visit the Coordination Centre exposition. Don't hesitate to bring children — they won't be bored. There is a special children's area with an animator and a digital assistant named Alyosha, who will explain the government’s work in simple terms. Meanwhile, parents can take a tour, see a miniature version of the real Coordination Centre and take stylish photos.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

RZD Pavilion "Better by Train"

This pavilion is a must-visit with children. The entire exposition is designed like a real train, captivating visitors of all ages. Learn how to travel comfortably across the country, get a souvenir photo, enjoy tea with chocolate, and let children play in a special car where an animator is always ready to entertain them. You can only sign up for a tour on-site, so it's best to arrive early to choose a convenient time and explore nearby expositions while waiting.

SBER and Atom Pavilions

These popular and in-demand expositions also cater to young visitors. The children's zones here are top-notch, featuring numerous games and activities, including slides and swings. Parents need to stay nearby to supervise their children and ensure they don't leave the area, which is easy to do from the adjacent café. Note that the children's zone in the Atom Pavilion accepts only children aged 2–5 years. Older children will find plenty of other games and activities to enjoy.

Photo: Grigory Sysoev/RIA News
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