04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


Stunning ceramics decorate New Year trees at the RUSSIA EXPO

Stunning ceramics decorate New Year trees at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The natural wealth of the regions became the basis for the decoration of New Year trees at the RUSSIA EXPO. Large deposits of clay contributed to the development of pottery in many regions of the country. One can get acquainted with the amazing variety of pottery art — from toys to household items — at the New Year alley of the RUSSIA EXPO.

Tarussa pottery, the oldest craft of the Kaluga region, is characterized by simple laconic forms. Recently, the traditional local method of processing — black glazing — has been revived here. The fir tree was also decorated with Khludnev ceramics — bright original toys made of light clay. Khludnev toys are not painted in their entirety, but only separate details: feathers of birds, outlines and parts of the bodies of animals. Multicolored stripes alternating with stripes of natural clay background are characteristic.

Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The New Year tree of the Perm region is decorated with amazing Kungur ceramics — this craft originated in the town of Kungur more than 300 years ago. The history of these products is so old that it is mentioned in ancient chronicles. In 1790 A. N. Radishchev left a record about Kungur pots in his diary. Peasant potters at that time created simple and inexpensive things that could not boast of exquisite decorations, but were necessary in the household — pots, big korchaga pots, jars, and so on.

Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The decor of the Rostov region fir tree is represented by a bright folk art craft — Semikarakorskaya ceramics. The craft is based on the traditions of pottery craft. Since the Middle Ages the population of the Cossack village Semikarakorskaya has been engaged in pottery, local clays were used to make mortars, small jars — makhotki and other household items. However, the modern Semikarakorskaya folk craft began its history in the workshops of the regional industrial combine, organized in the town in 1943 immediately after the liberation of the territory from occupation.

Photo: Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

Byzantine traditional motifs of ceramics from Bakhchisarai decorate the fir tree of the Republic of Crimea. The items were made by Crimean craftsmen specially for the New Year tree at VDNH. The style of the original ceramic products testifies to the fusion of Byzantine traditions and decorative art of the East. One of the centers of production of the Crimea of this period was Alushta. Simple and convenient vessels with paired handles ("k’osh k’ulak’a"), milk bowl ("bakraj"), round pots ("bardakh", "chelmek"), ceramic cachepots ("gul skull") became widespread in everyday life.

You can walk along the New Year tree alley and learn more about the traditions and crafts of the country during the excursion New Year’s Russia.

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