Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

Joint work of scientists and actors: a performance about the role of energy and the atom was shown at the RUSSIA EXPO

Joint work of scientists and actors: a performance about the role of energy and the atom was shown at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Anastasia Ryasnyanskaya

On April 26, Pavilion 19 ATOM hosted a performance "A Dream Come True. The Fifties: Before and After".

The guests were presented the first of three audiovisual productions. The performances are united by a common idea — atomic energy and its importance in human life. Each production is a separate complete performance telling about different time periods in the development of the nuclear industry.

"One of the formats we have invented is a three-day immersive science festival called Science Parterre. The immersion takes place in the most unexpected forms: in game, in creative forms. The program of the festival is quite balanced and very interesting, it includes theatrical performances in the format of science-drama, art classes, and meetings with scientists and experts," said Elena Novikova, Deputy Director General of the ATOM Foundation.

Photo: Anastasia Ryasnyanskaya

She also emphasized an important and interesting feature of the productions: both actors and scientists participated in the preparation of the performances, which made the format unique.

Alexandra Medvedeva, producer of special projects of the creative bureau "Through the Eyes of an Engineer", said that the three festival productions definitely do not cover the theme of the atom completely, and the performances that will be shown as part of the Scientific Parterre Festival are, in fact, the beginning of a series.

"The energy of the atom is a very broad thing. When we set out to carry out this idea, we realized that we couldn't limit ourselves to one hour. Because we start from the very origins, from the ancient Greeks, who were just beginning to understand how matter works in principle. In the very first performance we reach the 50s of the last century, when serious discoveries were made in the nuclear industry," said Alexandra Medvedeva.

The unusual nature of the production, which was seen by the audience, is also explained by the very essence of the atom, explained the producer of the creative bureau: "Atom is a difficult thing to understand, so it is impossible to tell about it in an ordinary play theatrical production. A stage dialog between two actors won't solve this problem — we need to explain rather subtle and complex matters to the audience. That's why we are entering the territory of performative practices with sound design and extraordinary abstract video sequences".

Photo: Anastasia Ryasnyanskaya

The second and third performances will take place in the conference hall of the ATOM Pavilion on April 27 and 28.

Also within the framework of the Scientific ParterreFestival there is a series of festival lectures and public talks, which reveals the concept of "atom" through the lens of the most diverse spheres of life. Thus, biologist Timur Chernov will talk about atoms — "stickers", which help to find cancer cells in the body and establish the authenticity of works of art. Physicist Sergei Merts — on why the particle accelerator is hidden under Louvre and why ions are called a scalpel of XXI century. Architectural historian Maria Nikitina will invite to investigate the problems of typical buildings and the identity of cities built near nuclear power plants.

At the art class, festival guests can try themselves as research artists. Participants will discover the phenomenon of the "Black Square". And on Sunday at the "EngiArt" masterclass it will be possible to study the principles used in the work of engineer Vladimir Shukhov and try them out when creating a collage.

On April 28, children will be welcome at the storytelling lecture "Alice in Wonderland: The Atomic Version". This classic story is beloved by mathematicians, philosophers and even cyberneticians. At the Science Parterre Festival, the tale of Alice will allow audiences of all ages to understand what an atom is. A neural network will help to color and illustrate the Wonderland adventure. The lecture-tale and art classes will be held by Varvara Lyubova, creative director of the company "Through the Eyes of an Engineer", art historian and artist.

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