Tyumen Governor Alexander Moor invited to the RUSSIA EXPO
There are only 16 days left until the opening of the International RUSSIA EXPO. The Tyumen region’s Governor Alexander Moor is inviting the Tyumen region to the stand of his home region.
"Tyumen region, I love you!" — this is the name of the stand that will be presented by the 72nd region at the International RUSSIA EXPO. Indeed, the region is one of the leaders in terms of natural immigration growth, quality of life and happiness index.
"Our region retains the status of a scientific center in the oil and gas industry, as well as one of the world centers of petrochemicals. We are becoming more and more attractive for tourists. The main points of attraction for our guests are Tyumen, the capital of Russia’s thermal waters, and Tobolsk, the ancient capital of Siberia", — the governor emphasized.
At the RUSSIA EXPO, guests will learn why the Tyumen region is called one of the most student-oriented regions, and perhaps they will discover the secret of happiness of its residents.
The International RUSSIA EXPO will be held in Moscow at VDNH from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024. Each region of the Russian Federation will present its stand, where it will introduce visitors to the key achievements in various industries. Federal authorities, representatives of large corporations, public associations and foreign countries will also take part in the exposition.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."