creating the future

VK street concert and sports festival. Events on June 28

VK street concert and sports festival. Events on June 28
Expo News
Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press service of the RUSSIA EXPO

On June 28, the International RUSSIA EXPO will host sports, musical and educational events, as well as meetings with interesting people.

XXII International Festival-Competition "Vivat, Bayan!"

Official closing of the competition: awarding of winners and a concert of laureates of the ХXII International Competition "Vivat, Bayan!".

When: 14:00 - 17:00

Where: Pavilion D "Our Culture"

All-Russian Festival of Sports Promotion Teams "Heroes of Sports — Heroes of the Country". Registration is required on the Exposition website.

The All-Russian Festival of Sports Promotion Teams "Heroes of Sports — Heroes of the Country" will bring together children's groups from 21 regions, including the Republic of Crimea and the Lugansk People's Republic.

The event has social and educational significance for the patriotic education of young people from the regions and creates conditions for the upbringing of a developed patriotic personality on the basis of Russian cultural and spiritual traditions; it is realized within the framework of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

When: 15:00 - 17:00

Where: Pavilion No. 34 "Russian Space: Creating the Future". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Flash mob "Reading Robert Rozhdestvensky's poems"

Robert Rozhdestvensky, a songwriter famous throughout the USSR, came to Karelia by chance in the 1950s. At that time, the bard of the Soviet "Sixties" generation was not yet widely known and lived in Petrozavodsk for just over two years. It was here that he met his first love, and the region captured his soul so much that Robert Ivanovich periodically visited it for another 30 years. Karelia became the poet's second homeland. Everyone can join the flash mob and get a prize from the Republic of Karelia for participation.

When: 11:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 17:00

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall B, stand of the Republic of Karelia)

Exercise with the champion

Training with track and field athlete Pavel Tilikin.

When: 11:00 - 11:30

Where: "Sports Russia" grounds

Days of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The program includes a fashion show of national costumes, a performance of a kuraist, a masterclass in dance and Bashkir language, as well as a lecture "Secrets of Oil Production at Mature Fields in Bashkiria".

When: 12:00 - 13:30

Where: Pavilion I Rosneft

Quiz about Karelia with blogger Roman Kagramanov

Popular blogger and presenter Roman Kagramanov will test the Pavilion guests' knowledge of the regions in the game "Wheel of Fortune".

The participants of the event will spin the wheel, answer questions from the dropped category and receive prizes for correct answers. The questions will be related to facts about the Republic of Karelia.

When: 12:00

Where: Pavilion D "Feel Russia"

Time for family: meeting with para-athlete Dmitry Ignatov

Dmitry Ignatov, a member of the Russian national sailing team, the first Russian Paralympic athlete to swim across the Bosphorus, a member of the Civic Chamber of Moscow, an ambassador of the "New Opportunities" project and a presenter of entertainment programs, will share the secrets of creating travel films, running and promoting channels on Internet platforms with the guests of the Pavilion.

When: 13:00 - 14:00

Where: Pavilion C "Family. Work. Longevity"

Meeting with the brand representative of the first Russian electric car

"Atom" is the first Russian electric car for mass production. Marketing Director of the brand Ivan Solomin will tell how the global market of electric cars is developing, what role Atom plays in the Russian segment and how exactly it creates the basis for a new eco-friendly way of life in the metropolis.

When: 15:00 - 15:30

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Moscow Space)

Time for family: open dialogue "The Best in Your Profession" with meteorologist Roman Vilfand

Participants of the meeting will learn how a meteorologist anticipates weather moods and makes meteorological forecasts. The famous scientist, who knows everything about the fastidious and fickle "young lady — weather", will tell the listeners of the lecture hall about one of the rarest and most unusual professions.

When: 15:00 - 15:30

Where: Pavilion C "Family. Work. Longevity"

ZUMBA dance fitness concert. Registration is required on the Exposition website

Zumba-fitness is a unique dance fitness program based on Latin and world rhythms, popular in more than 220 countries around the world. Presenters are stars of international and Russian fitness conventions, a team of educational specialists of Latin Dance Fitness Alliance.

When: 17:00 - 21:00

Where: Main Street Stage. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Concert program "Squeezeboxes Will Never Fall Silent in Russia"

The program will feature all favorite Russian folk tunes, popular songs and modern instrumental compositions. Magical sounds of Russian instruments will leave no one indifferent.

When: 19:00 - 20:00

Where: Pavilion D "Our Culture"

Partnership "Evening Moscow". Youth evening gathering. Registration on the Exposition website is required.

Village youth knew how to relax better than us, because they did not have sound and lighting equipment, clubs and bars. In addition, they danced and played after a hard day's work. We live in other environments and in other times, but, as it turned out, their experience of simple and soulful rest and relaxation is extremely useful to us.

Traditional evening gathering (or vecherka) is a great way to meet new people and overcome the isolation developed by many young people in the big city, as dancing involves frequent changes of partners.

When: 19:00 - 20:30

Where: Pavilion No. 84 "House of Culture" Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

VK street concert

Night concert by LARIONA, TRITIA and BUDNI.

When: 20:30 - 22:00

Where: Space near Pavilion G "VK Meeting Place"

Farmers Fair

The Farmers Fair in Pavilion No. 48 invites you to be amazed by the variety and richness of tastes. Cheeses, sausages, delicacies, Siberian berry jam, chocolate-covered cones, black and red caviar from all regions of the country are presented here. You can comfortably get to our Fair by route No. K, which departs from Pavilion No. 75, as well as from the stop "Northern Loop", located at the arch of the Main Entrance of VDNH. Pavilion No. 48 is within walking distance from the "City Farm" stop.

When: 10:00 - 20:00

Where: Pavilion No. 48

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