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Vladimir Vladimirov: Stavropol region will showcase its best achievements at the RUSSIA EXPO

Vladimir Vladimirov: Stavropol region will showcase its best achievements at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Ilya Pitalev/ RIA news

The Stavropol region will present its achievements in a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, medicine, manufacturing, culture, education and tourism, at the International RUSSIA EXPO. The focus will also be on a comfortable urban environment, as the region has serious successes in this area as well.

Preparations for the forum were discussed at a meeting held by Stavropol governor Vladimir Vladimirov.

"We are truly a unique, multifaceted region. We are known as the breadbasket and health resort of Russia. But we can be proud of other achievements as well. Our region is a major educational platform, wind power industry is successfully developing, "smart" technologies are being introduced here. Three times Stavropol has been recognized as the most improved city in Russia", - the head of the region said.

Work on the regional stand is being carried out by specialists from departments and municipalities of the region. They are coordinated by the regional Ministry of Economic Development.

As a reminder, the best achievements of Stavropol can be voted for on the platform "Achievements.RF", launched in preparation for the RUSSIA EXPO.

The International RUSSIA EXPO will be held in Moscow at the VDNH from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024. All 89 regions of the country, as well as authorities, corporations, public associations, and delegations from foreign countries will take part in it.

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