Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

The RUSSIA EXPO has appeared on 2GIS maps

The RUSSIA EXPO has appeared on 2GIS maps
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

A map of the RUSSIA EXPO has appeared in the 2GIS service. Now you can find temporary buildings with all objects, contacts, work schedule there, as well as data on expositions in permanent pavilions.

We remind you that the Exposition has its own map. It shows all pavilions, participants, contacts, events and other important information.

Possibly interesting
Crab, commander squid, cloudberries, and reindeer lichen: what to expect at the "Journey Across Russia. Food"

The large-scale "Journey Across Russia" project will launch at the National Centre RUSSIA on March 1. 

The natural wealth of the Urals will be presented at the "Journey Across Russia" exposition

On March 1, the National Centre RUSSIA will launch a new large-scale project, "Journey Across Russia."

The International Documentary Film Festival "RT.DOC: The Time of Our Heroes" will be held at the National Centre RUSSIA

From February 21 to 23, the National Centre RUSSIA will host the III International Documentary Film Festival "RT.DOC: The Time of Our Heroes."

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