creating the future

Performance by Nadezhda Kadysheva, special screening of a movie about Donbass medics and futuristic dance tournament. Events on June 16

Performance by Nadezhda Kadysheva, special screening of a movie about Donbass medics and futuristic dance tournament. Events on June 16
Expo News
Photo: Evgeniy Biyatov/RIA News

There are many exciting events taking place at the International RUSSIA EXPO every day. On Sunday, June 16, everyone will be able to attend masterclasses, a large festival of Russian hospitality, as well as meet the creators of a unique series. Here's a rundown of the events that will take place at the Exposition.

All-Russian Festival of Russian Hospitality SAMOVARFEST

The guests will enjoy an 11-hour concert marathon of SAMOVARFEST festival, where more than 1000 artists - representatives of more than 160 nationalities from different regions of Russia - will take part. They will perform a mix of traditional ethno-sounding works and the latest musical trends.

The audience can expect the performance of young performers of modern music, and the headliners of the evening will be Doni, Burito, Janil Natas, ZAUR & MEIRINKITO, "5UTRA", AILUN, "Polyushka" project, Milana Khametova, Katya Lel, Lyubov Uspenskaya and Tati Pachi. Special guests of the festival will be People's Artist of Russia, soloist of the ensemble "Golden Ring" Nadezhda Kadysheva and Merited Artist of Russia Alexander Kostyuk.

When: 10:00 - 21:50

Where: Main Street Stage

Exercise with the champion

Everyone can start the day actively. Maria Bodunova, Master of Sports of Russia of International Class in Sports Aerobics, absolute world champion, European champion, will hold a workout, where she will show exercises to develop flexibility and health.

When: 11:00 - 11:30

Where: "Sports Russia" grounds

"Powerof Science" marathon

The "Power of Science" marathon is coming to an end at the Gazprom Pavilion. Visitors to the Exposition will have an opportunity to attend an informative lecture by Sergei Malozemov, author and presenter of popular science programs on the NTV channel. He will present his personal hit parade of technologies that have already changed our lives and will do so in the near future.

When: 11:30 - 12:30

Where: Pavilion F Gazprom. Registration is required on the Exposition website

Concert within the framework of the All-Russian Festival Movement "The Power of Art"

"The Power of Art" concert cycle, organized as part of the All-Russian Festival Movement, features performances by talented children and young people, the best dance teams and vocalists from Moscow and the Moscow region. Among other things, the program includes numbers of classical choreography, Soviet period songs familiar to everyone, as well as author's compositions by novice artists.

When: 12:00 - 12:40

Where: Space in front of the VK portal

Special screening of the movie "Our Healers"

Everyone will be able to attend a special screening of the documentary series "Our Healers", which includes more than 10 episodes about the stories of doctors of Donbass. The team of creators will also be present at the event.

When: 13:00 - 14:00

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Small Hall 2)

Futuristic Dance Tournament "The Future Has Already Come"

In the tournament of dance performers "The Future Has Already Come", groups from the regions of the Volga-Ural macroregion will take part, with the best of them chosen by the audience. The Saratov region will be represented by the contemporary dance ensemble "Beads" of the branch of the State Educational Institution "Saratov Regional College of Arts" in the city of Balashov, and the Orenburg region — by the dance ensemble "Evrika".

When: 13:00 - 14:00

Where: Pavilion No. 55 "Home of Youth"

"Future in Flowers" festival

Within the framework of the "Future in Flowers" festival the guests of the Exposition have an opportunity to attend unique events. This time a member of the "Peonies" section of the Moscow Florists Club will tell about the secrets of successful breeding of these plants at the lecture "Organic Farming Techniques in the cultivation of peonies".

When: 15:00 - 16:00

Where: "Future in Flowers" workshop

Theatricalized procession from the Moscow Historical Festival "Times and Epochs"

The project will repeat the famous parade of physical culture workers, which took place in the USSR. During the festival, reenactors will march around the "Stone Flower" fountain with flags, performing sports stunts. The Exposition will also recreate the atmosphere of the movie “They Met in Moscow” ("Swine-herd and Stableman").

When: 17:00

Where: The start of the route — the space near the "Stone Flower" fountain

"Russian Style: Rite" show

Visitors will see a real dramatic performance of four parts: grieving, birth, change of status and manifesto of life. Through costumes and music, the designers will illustrate the perception of these important events in the life of a Russian woman. The show will feature designers Maria Andrianova, Elena Trofimova, Maria Emelyanova, Anna Tolstaya, Lubov Teptsova, as well as the brands DIL, Sarafai and Kotoma.

When: 18:00 - 18:45

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Hall A, Cultural Projects Zone)

Dance masterclass

Yuri Letyuchiy — dancer, teacher-choreographer, ballet director of numerous projects in Russia and abroad, participant of the TV project "Big Dances" — will conduct a masterclass for visitors. He will show moves that anyone can repeat.

When: 18:00

Where: "Sports Russia" grounds

Art-Stav-Showof the State Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble "Stavropolye"

Everyone will be able to visit the theatrical show with author's costumes and interesting plot, meeting the tastes and needs of both young and older generations. The audience will see a dynamic show that combines modern choreography and popular songs about Russia.

When: 19:30 - 20:30

Where: Pavilion D "Our Culture" (Ministry of Culture of Russia)

Farmers Fair 

The Farmers Fair in Pavilion No. 48 invites you to be amazed by the variety and richness of tastes. Cheeses, sausages, delicacies, Siberian berry jam, chocolate-covered cones, black and red caviar from all regions of the country are presented here. You can comfortably get to our Fair by route No. K, which departs from Pavilion No. 75, as well as from the stop "Northern Loop", located at the arch of the Main Entrance of VDNH. Pavilion No. 48 is within walking distance from the "City Farm" stop.

When: 10:00 - 20:00

Where: Pavilion No. 48

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