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16 million guests visited the RUSSIA EXPO

16 million guests visited the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Sergey Baranov/ Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

On June 15, the 16-millionth guest visited the International RUSSIA EXPO. The guest was seven-year-old Elizaveta from Moscow, who attended the Exposition with her eleven-year-old brother Roman and their mother, Natalia Yelshina.

"We are from Moscow, we love to travel and prefer vacations in Russia. Soon we will go to Crimea for summer holidays. We have never been to the Samara region. I am sure this trip will be memorable for us. It was a big surprise," noted Natalia Yelshina.

The milestone visitor was congratulated at the Samara region stand. Elizaveta received a certificate for a family trip, which she will take with her family.

"The family of the 16-millionth visitor will go to the Samara region. The RUSSIA EXPO will close in its current form on July 8. There are 24 days left — we invite everyone to visit!" said the Director General of the RUSSIA EXPO Natalia Virtuozova.

During the trip, the family will visit beautiful and significant places in Samara, including the longest embankment in Europe, the Zhiguli Brewery, and the local "Arbat". They will also go to one of the most beautiful villages in Russia, Shiryaevo, where the famous artist Ilya Repin made sketches for his painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga". The next stop will be Tolyatti, where the family will learn about the rich history of the city and immerse themselves in its technological present. At the end of the trip, the guests will climb Tsarev Kurgan and visit a unique healing spring.

The anniversary visitor was congratulated by the Acting Governor of the Samara Region, Vyacheslav Fedorishchev.

Photo: Sergey Baranov/ Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

"We welcome all 16 million of the RUSSIA EXPO visitors. We also invite those who haven't been here yet. Come to the Samara region!" noted Vyacheslav Fedorishchev.

On June 5, the Exposition was visited by the 15-millionth guest, Natalia Korneyeva from Yalta, who attended the RUSSIA EXPO with her husband Anton and their children, eight-year-old Yaroslav and five-year-old Varvara. The milestone visitor was congratulated at the stand of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, where they received a certificate for a family trip to the region.

On April 6, the Exposition was visited by the 10-millionth guest, Konstantin Panfilov from Yaroslavl, who came to the capital with his wife Ekaterina. The couple received a certificate for a trip to Murmansk from the RUSSIA EXPO and the Rosatom State Corporation, with a visit to the world's first nuclear-powered vessel, the icebreaker "Lenin," and one of the universal nuclear icebreakers of FSUE "Atomflot."

The Exposition reached the milestone of 5 million guests on February 22. On that day, Alexei Maksimov came to VDNH with his wife and two children. The family from the city of Volzhsky in the Volgograd region received a trip along the "Energy of Ladoga" route from the RUSSIA EXPO Directorate, the administration of the Leningrad region and the "Igora Tour" travel operator. Thanks to the gift, the family saw the main symbols of the Volga region and got to know the history of the small towns of our country.

The International RUSSIA EXPO showcases the country's most important achievements in one place. Throughout the Exposition, guests can enjoy cultural events, a rich business and educational program. The RUSSIA EXPO features expositions from 89 regions of Russia, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations. The International RUSSIA EXPO is held at VDNH in Moscow from November 4 to July 8.

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