Inventing the Future

Anatoly Wasserman and "What? Where? When?" stars played in a tournament at the RUSSIA EXPO

Anatoly Wasserman and "What? Where? When?" stars played in a tournament at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

The main event of the festival of intellectual games "Knowledge.Game" at VDNH was the "What? Where? When?" tournament. Both young players and experienced intellectuals, known throughout the country, took part in it. There were 48 questions in total, and the time for discussion was limited — one minute.

336 people fought for the victory and were divided into 56 teams. Among the participants were the stars of the game "What? Where? When?" — Maxim Potashov, Kim Galachyan, Anastasia Shutova and others. Anatoly Wasserman, a well-known Russian intellectual and State Duma deputy, also took part in the tournament.

"Practical experience accumulated for more than half a century of existence of such games shows, that people who actively participate in intellectual games, on average are more successful in life than people who have about the same experience and education, but do not play games", — said Anatoly Wasserman.

The team "Lernaean Otter", which was formed by students of leading universities, became the strongest in the student category. And in the adult category, the team "Girls and Hooligans" from Moscow won. Now all of them will compete for supremacy in the finals of the Russian championship in the game "What? Where? When?". It is organized by the Russian Society "Knowledge".

It should be reminded that the VDNH in Moscow hosts the International RUSSIA EXPO, where the achievements of 89 regions of the country are presented, as well as workshops, lectures, concerts, excursions and other events. The admission is free of charge for everyone.

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