Inventing the Future

Dmitry Chernyshenko met with the participants of the Movement of the First Festival at the RUSSIA EXPO

Dmitry Chernyshenko met with the participants of the Movement of the First Festival at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Press service of the First Movement

Federation, visited the RUSSIA EXPO, where he greeted the participants of the Movement of the First Festival.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly was one of the first to outline opportunities for the realization of each person's potential and the development of their talents. Representatives of the Movement of the First are the first who, within the framework of the new national project "Youth and Children", will be able to take advantage of all the opportunities and support tools. You know that being ahead of all is also a huge responsibility. You will be the first to face difficulties and challenges, and then you will fight them, but you will be the first to get the result," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Dmitry Chernyshenko met with the activists of the Movement of the First, who have succeeded in science, sports, future technologies, volunteering, education, media and other areas. The kids shared stories of their participation in the activities of the Movement, told about their achievements, presented their own initiatives and shared their plans for the future.

In response, the Deputy Prime Minister proposed to create a navigator of opportunities for young researchers from the Movement of the First together with the relevant agencies and to identify leaders in the organization for the priority areas of Russia's scientific and technological development.

"By order of the President, a list of 27 priority scientific and technological areas, developed in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the scientific community, will soon be presented at the Council for Science and Education. I am convinced that the Movement will select leaders responsible for each of the areas presented at the Council. These young people will be able to lead other participants - those who are interested in science and technology and strive to develop. They will gain such opportunities through participation in the Congress of Young Scientists and other programs," said Dmitry Chernyshenko."

Photo: Press service of the First Movement

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Ksenia Razuvaeva and Chairman of the Board of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" Grigory Gurov also participated in the Festival.

"For the second year in a row, we celebrate Children's Day at the large-scale Movement of the First Festival. On such an important day, filled with children's smiles and talents, Rosmolodezh, together with the Movement, opens various doors for the development of young people. During the festival, children, teenagers, and their parents get acquainted with the opportunities and conditions for the self-realization of the younger generation in the country, the ecosystem of Rosmolodezh. At the same time, it is a chance for every young citizen to contribute to the development of their country. Because our children and their opportunities are our future, our prospects, and the sovereignty of all Russia," said Ksenia Razuvaeva.

She also noted the importance of the World Youth Festival, which was held on a grand scale in the Sirius Federal Territory and united the young generation from all over the world.

"The Children's Festival also reflects the legacy of the WYF-2024. Here, children from all over the world, leaders of children's organizations and projects abroad, who share our values and love Russia, have gathered. And a big step for the entire children's community of the planet is the formation of an international association of children's organizations, initiated by the children themselves at the WYF-2024," added the head of Rosmolodezh.

"The Movement of the First Festival will unite all 89 regions of Russia this year. Around 1 million people will participate in our events. The festival activities will introduce guests to the flagship projects of the First and help them acquire useful social skills. It is important for us to present the Movement as a platform of opportunities for fulfilling the dreams of children, mentors, educators, and parents. This idea has become the festival's motto: 'Make Your Dreams Come True with the First.' At the festival, we will launch the summer campaign of the Movement of the First in children's camps, which will cover about 3 million children this year. We will initiate gatherings of the Russian Eaglets and the International Association of Children's Organizations, and hold a ceremonial passport presentation for 14-year-old teenagers in the regions. In memory of the fallen defenders and in support of those who protect children in Russia today, we will conduct the joint campaign #WEREMEMBERTOGETHER," noted Grigory Gurov.

Photo: Press service of the First Movement

Dmitry Chernyshenko praised the First's interest in studying research and development and invited the children to participate in the IV Congress of Young Scientists, which will be held in November 2024 in Sirius.

During his meeting with the children, he also talked about his own school years, his childhood dream of working in computer graphics, and donated the books "Alexander Nevsky" and "Timur and His Team" to the pavilion's library.

Additionally, as part of the festival, the Deputy Prime Minister visited several festival zones. In these zones, students demonstrated the use of digital technologies in the patriotic game "Zarnitsa 2.0", ways of drone management, and first aid skills.

The Movement of the First Festival became the main event of International Children's Day. It is being held on June 1–2. The theme of the celebration is the dream and the possibility for every child in Russia to fulfill their cherished desires. The festival covered all regions of the country, with the main venue being the International RUSSIA EXPO. A rich program was developed for participants, including useful masterclasses, family activities, and educational games.

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