Inventing the Future

Energy of love: 40 families celebrated their silver and golden wedding anniversary at the RUSSIA EXPO

Energy of love: 40 families celebrated their silver and golden wedding anniversary at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

On the Energy Day, the RUSSIA EXPO honored families of nuclear workers who celebrate their silver and golden wedding anniversary this year. The recently opened Pavilion No. 19 (ATOM), which has already become the center of attraction for visitors to the Exposition, hosted special guests on their professional industry holiday — more than forty couples who tied their lives together 25 and 50 years ago.

Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, addressed the attendees with congratulations: "I am glad that you are here on the Energy Industry Day, as you are real power engineers who not only got married 25 or 50 years ago, but have been working at Rosatom enterprises all their lives. And I want to say a huge word of gratitude to you for your dedication to the development of the company, for your dedication to the energy sector and the development of our country. The fact that you have been together for many years is a source of admiration and pride, because you set an example for young people of what a family and family values should be. Families are our main value, without them there would be nothing. Long years to you together, health and prosperity to the cities where you live, to the enterprises where you work".

Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

Alexey Likhachev, Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, joined in expressing his wishes to the families-jubilarians:

"Our families and our family ties in the industry are part of a dynasty, part of those people who created the industry in the 40s and 50s and kept it going in the 90s. And our children and grandchildren will move it forward, so you are a symbol of family loyalty, love and family hearth. But you are still a very large Rosatom resource, so treat yourselves, in this sense, as a state value, our very important nuclear weapon. We do not see purpose and success in life without work, but at the same time, family and work are two sides of the same coin, our life, our happiness, our past and our future. And I think that in this beautiful pavilion once a year we should gather and honor our families who will have an anniversary that year. Happiness and health to you and your loved ones — everyone you consider your family."

Photo: Kirill Zykov/RIA News

In turn, the couples shared the story of the origin and a long happy journey in the nuclear industry and in family life, and speculated on the subject of love for each other and for work. 

"We met at school, in the eighth grade, Valera wrote me a note: 'Let's be friends', and I answered him: 'No, I have to pass my exams first'." This year our love is 50 years old, and 47 of them are 'atomic' love," shared her memories Nadezhda Kalimulina, who together with her husband Valery has been working at the Smolensk nuclear power plant since 1977 and to this day.

"Thank you for this, on the one hand, touching story, and, on the other hand, there are many such stories, and, probably, this is what happiness is all about. In general, I believe that "school" marriages are the strongest, and, of course, it is on such families as yours that our whole country holds on," commented Alexey Likhachev on the love story.

Deputy Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» Anastasia Zvyagina congratulated the anniversary couple on the most important event. "On behalf of the RUSSIA EXPO and all its employees, I congratulate you on this significant date! All of you are an example that love knows no boundaries and overcomes all difficulties. Last week our President officially launched the Year of the Family here at the RUSSIA EXPO and said a wonderful phrase: 'Russia is a family of families!'. And you are an example for us all. In addition, you are the first couples whose golden and silver weddings we honor here — at the RUSSIA EXPO!" she said.

For future generations of young nuclear workers whose wedding ceremonies will be held at the RUSSIA EXPO, the couples left notes in a special "atomic" book, revealing their personal secrets of a long relationship and recipes for a happy family. Already in February, new employees of the nuclear industry will seal their marriage unions at the RUSSIA EXPO in the Atom pavilion.

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