Inventing the Future

Innovations, drones and opera about Nevsky: the Ryazan region at the RUSSIA EXPO

Innovations, drones and opera about Nevsky: the Ryazan region at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/Fotohost-RIA News agency

The Ryazan region spoke about its rich history, achievements, nature and much more on the Day of the Region at the RUSSIA EXPO on January 12.

The program of the Day includes a production of the opera Alexander Nevsky performed by the chamber orchestra of the Ryazan region, as well as a gastronomic theatrical performance with the participation of actors from the Ryazan Puppet Theater. They will show the process of cooking traditional dishes of Ryazan cuisine - turnip vareniki with sour cream, kulebyaka with Ryazan pikeperch and porcini mushrooms, zucchini fritters with crawfish necks and others.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/Fotohost-RIA News agency

An autograph session with Dmitry Zhokhov and Alexander Mavrin, the Russian aeronautics champion, has been prepared for the guests of the exposition. Also the State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov and the ensemble of the Airborne Forces School "Winged Infantry" will perform, there will be lectures about the legacy of Academician Ivan Pavlov and the importance of the "Ryazan VDNH".

"Ryazan region is a developed economy, rich culture and history, magnificent nature and hardworking people. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called Ryazan "the heart of Russia" for a good reason. We work in all areas: industry, agriculture, social sphere. By order of the President we launched a large-scale project - Aerospace Innovation Valley, where projects in the sphere of aerospace, biomedical and information technologies, electronics and radio engineering are being developed and implemented. We build and repair social facilities, schools, hospitals and public spaces. All this is thanks to federal support and implementation of national projects", - emphasized Governor Pavel Malkov.#IMAGE_aaa41fa0-72b1-4c57-a163-

With the support of the President of Russia one of the largest in the country industrial parks Ryazansky with the area of 559 hectares is being built in the region. The region is implementing 95 investment projects with the volume of financing of 270 billion rubles.

In addition, a unique project to create the Aerospace Valley will help to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. This is an innovation platform where companies will work to develop advanced technologies, including unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as unique materials and new types of products for Russia's largest corporations.

A serious achievement, important for the whole country, was the launch of a unique site for comprehensive rehabilitation and social adaptation of returned participants of the Special Military Operation - the Sosnovy Bor rehabilitation complex. The center receives 4 thousand people annually.

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