Inventing the Future

The story of one salvation: donor and recipient met at the RUSSIA EXPO

The story of one salvation: donor and recipient met at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Provided by the Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

For Evgenia Pavlovich from Dubna near Moscow, a bone marrow transplant was the only chance for salvation. And the savior was found - Lyudmila Chernyadieva from Kirov became the donor. Lyudmila joined the register in 2013 and 8 years later, when she was asked for help, she agreed without hesitation.

The touching meeting of the women took place at the RUSSIA EXPO at an event dedicated to the development of the bone marrow donor register.

Photo: Provided by the Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

"It's very hard to put into words, but it's a miracle that such a person who agreed to take part in my life was found. It's really a miracle, because many people often wait years for their donor, and it's scary when you don't have a chance, and I not only got a chance, but I live, and thanks to Lyudmila I can love, create and enjoy life", — Eugenia shared her emotions.

Eugenia's savior Lyudmila could not hold back her tears at the meeting.

"My relatives are very happy that I became a donor, they have always supported me, because human life is a great happiness, and the more donors there are - the more happiness there will be", — said Lyudmila.

In just one year the number of bone marrow donors in Russia has increased 2.6 times — more than 300 thousand people are ready to help. And the volume of blood plasma procurement for 2 years has increased 10 times, while 99% of our compatriots give blood for free. These figures were announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova at the meeting with the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia Veronika Skvortsova, where the development of blood donation in Russia was discussed.

Photo: Provided by the Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

In the videoconference mode, Tatyana Golikova congratulated with the opening of the renovated high-tech laboratory of applied immunogenetics on the basis of the Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of FMBA of Russia.

"I would like to congratulate my colleagues on the opening of the new laboratory! I am sure that with your work you will make a great contribution to the development of the Federal Register, which means that every patient with a severe oncohematological disease will get a chance for recovery thanks to timely transplantation!", — said Tatyana Golikova.

The Unified Federal Register of bone marrow donors, with FMBA of Russia as its operator, was established in 2022. The annual recruiting potential of Russian donors exceeds 100 thousand people.

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA News

"Currently, the work to attract new donors is well established on a national scale, youth movements and power structures are actively involved", — said Veronika Skvortsova, head of the FMBA of Russia.

The whole cycle of work starting from donor search up to bone marrow procurement is provided using federal funds. This also applies to the search in international registers and import of donor material into Russia.

Two donor recruitment points have been organized at the RUSSIA EXPO — in the pavilions of Rosmolodezh and ATOM. Within a month of work at VDNH alone, 560 potential donors were attracted. Those wishing to become a bone marrow donor can also apply through the unified portal of State Services.

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