Inventing the Future

Every region of the Volga Federal District has a lot to be proud of. Experts summarized the results of the Days of Volga regions at the RUSSIA EXPO

Every region of the Volga Federal District has a lot to be proud of. Experts summarized the results of the Days of Volga regions at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Evgenia Soldatenkova

On December 6, the Days of the Volga Federal District Regions were held at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

In their presentations the VFD regions spoke about the things they are proud of and demonstrated the most important achievements in various industries, projects to create a comfortable environment and public spaces, industrial, cultural and tourist potential.

Photo: Kirill Kallinikov/RIA News

Speaking at the opening of the Days of Regions, the heads of the subjects emphasized that the achieved results were possible thanks to the support of regional initiatives and projects for the benefit of residents by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Volga Federal District is a leader in terms of the level of innovation activity of organizations in Russia; major projects in education, healthcare, culture and sports are being implemented here. The industrial infrastructure is being actively formed in the Volga region on the instructions of the President of Russia - 62 industrial parks, 23 technoparks, 10 special economic zones, 30 territories of advanced development have been created.

Moreover, with the support of the head of state, transportation infrastructure is being actively developed, and sections of the Europe-Western China international transportation route are being constructed.

Today, the VFD can be proud not only of its industrial potential, but also of its advanced projects in the digital sphere. A fundamentally new sports tournament, the Games of the Future, based on the beauty of traditional sports and the most advanced innovative breakthroughs, will be held in Kazan.

In addition, a special role in the district is occupied by the development of the tourist sector. This is, for example, the realization of such projects as the "Great Volga Way", the clusters "Kamsky Bank" and the pilgrimage and tourist cluster "Arzamas - Diveevo - Sarov", as well as the geopark "Undoria".

EISR experts note that the achievements presented at the exposition are associated with the categories of pride and confidence, consistency of the regional development, and opportunities to reveal their strengths.

Photo: Maxim Blinov/RIA News

Natalia Lindigrin, political scientist, executive director of the ANO "Institute of Regional Problems" spoke about the work on the creation of industrial infrastructure that is being carried out in the Volga Federal District on behalf of the President of Russia.

"The Volga Federal District traditionally occupies the first positions in various federal ratings of innovation activity, and also implements major projects in the spheres of education, health care, culture and sports. On the instructions of the President, the district is working to create industrial infrastructure and "growth points" of the economy. Therefore, all the regions of the Volga Federal District, without exception, had a lot to show at the exposition. What unites them all is the sense of pride that remains after visiting the exposition. And also, confidence that the country's development will not stop under any circumstances", — Lindigrin concluded.

Roman Permyakov, political consultant, founder of the political PR agency G.U.R.U., Deputy Chairman of the Civic Chamber of Nizhny Novgorod, noted that the regions of the VFD demonstrated their achievements in the format "was - has become - will be", and the main feature of the presentations of the VFD regions is the technological potential of the regions.

"Today at the International RUSSIA EXPO the Orenburg and Saratov regions will complete the cycle of presentations of the regions of the Volga Federal District. If we underline the main feature of their content, then, perhaps, they stood out with their technological feats - the district once again demonstrated its superiority in terms of scientific and technological potential and innovative development",  the expert shared his impressions.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/RIA News

Stanislav Koryakin, political consultant, member of the Expert Council of the Union of Russian Cities and the Political Technologies Committee of Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA), said that the VFD at the exposition not only demonstrates vivid examples of the regions' sectoral specializations, but also shows that the district is developing in a balanced manner with achievements in various areas.

"The development strategy of the Volga Federal District is a balance of industry, agriculture, and trade. In the Volga region, historically, trade connections played a serious part in the development of the provinces and today - in the development of the regions. Each tries to show its strengths. Regional expositions have bright specialization, for example, Tatarstan emphasized innovations - it is the SEZ "Alabuga" and the city of high technologies "Innopolis". The Perm region highlighted its industrial potential, the sphere of mining, and also made a statement in robotics - one of the Perm companies is a leader in the production of anthropomorphic robots. The Nizhny Novgorod Region pointed out its IT-cluster, and the region also holds the position of one of the leaders in shipbuilding. The Penza region combined the historical component with achievements in the biomedical industry", — the expert added.

On December 7, the Days of Regions of the North Caucasus Federal District will start at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

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