Inventing the Future

A beautiful fairy tale for children and Parisian love stories: good movies are waiting for their audience

A beautiful fairy tale for children and Parisian love stories: good movies are waiting for their audience
Expo News
Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/RIA News

Free movie screenings have long become a good tradition of the RUSSIA EXPO. This weekend, guests can choose a movie for every taste: from fantasy and anime to short films about Paris by famous directors. 


The protagonist, 13-year-old Maria, is orphaned and forced to move in with Sir Benjamin, her eccentric uncle whom she has never heard of before. The girl arrives at his mysterious estate, Moonacre Valley, and finds herself in a world divided by an ancient feud. But it is up to Maria — the last Moon Princess — to overcome family pride and uncover the secrets of the past before the moon rises for the five thousandth time and Moonacre Valley is swallowed by the sea. A beautiful tale with wonderful acting.

Pavilion E, April 20, 12:00 - 13:45.


Josee takes her name after the heroine of Françoise Sagan's novel. The girl is confined to a wheelchair and spends almost all her time reading and drawing. Her acquaintance and friendship with student Tsuneo begins to change her views on life, and the guy himself now looks at the world differently. A touching anime about love and dreams.

Pavilion E, April 21, 17:10 - 18:50


A film screening of the movie "Native Music" and a conversation with director Stepan Voronezhsky awaits guests at the Exposition. The main topic of the evening will be folklore: what it is for modern people and who are the people who devoted their lives to folk art.

Pavilion 84, April 21, 18:00 - 20:00, register


The guests will see 4 short stories about love, friendship, relationships with grandchildren and self-realization in older age, united by the project "Moscow Longevity". "The First Day of Retirement": after leaving work, the protagonist finds not only a hobby, but also love in the project. "The Second Etude": love, which the hero carried through life, and decided to search for his beloved after many years thanks to the support of friends. "The Third Chord": it's about a family of musicians, in which love for art overcomes irreconcilable creative differences between generations. "Fourth Call": it is about the theatrical direction of the project and the festival "Silver Aster".

Pavilion C, April 21, 19:15 - 20:30


A series of short films that have already gained a cult following. Passionate, strange, funny and sad love stories of the inhabitants of Paris. A guy falls in love with a girl, but misses the moment to meet her. A man plans to break up with his wife, but it turns out that she has the last stage of cancer. The actress leaves her lover for the role. And the vampiress falls in love with her victim, which ends in a very unexpected way. Directors include real maestros and audience favorites Ethan and Joel Coen, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuarón, Tom Tykwer and Gus Van Sant.

Pavilion E, April 21, 19:00 - 21:00

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