creating the future

Apartment concert with Anet Say and "Akatuy" holiday. Events at the Exposition on June 15

Apartment concert with Anet Say and "Akatuy" holiday. Events at the Exposition on June 15
Expo News
Photo: Anatoly Medved/RIA News

New interesting events for the whole family every day! On June 15, sporting, educational and cultural events will take place at the RUSSIA EXPO.

Marathon of Exercises

Traditional Saturday exercise with champions Mark Petrovsky and Ivan Girev.

When: 11:00 - 12:00

Where: Main Street Stage

National wrestling tournament kereshu

During the competition day, awards will be contested in four weight categories: 70, 80, 90 and over 90 kg. Winners and runners-up will receive commemorative medals and valuable prizes.

When: 11:00 - 18:00

Where: "Sports Russia" grounds

Mass round dance in Chuvash national costumes

On the square near the "Friendship of Peoples" fountain at VDNH, a mass round dance in Chuvash costumes to the sounds of traditional national melodies will take place. Everyone can join the dance.

Along with the round dance and game program on the square, guests will be offered to taste dishes and drinks of the national Chuvash cuisine.

When: 13:00 - 13:20

Where: Space at the "Friendship of Peoples" fountain

Theatricalized costumed procession of folk and folklore groups in honor of the holiday "Akatuy"

A traditional part of the holiday — a procession in Chuvash national attire. Under the sounds of accordion, bayan, tambourines, drum and national songs the costumed column will pass through the square of the "Friendship of Peoples" fountain.

When: 12:30 - 13:00

Where: Start of the route — the main arch of VDNH

Events in honor of the "Akatuy" holiday

In Pavilion K "House of Russian Cuisine" guests will find masterclasses on cooking dishes of the national cuisine of the Chuvash Republic, a mini-performance "Green Gold" by the ensemble "Saval" on the Chuvash traditions of brewing.

In the space near the "Stone Flower" fountain there will be a masterclass on Chuvash embroidery and beadwork, demonstration of excerpts from Chuvash plays, reading poems in the Chuvash language, a masterclass on vine weaving, performances of Chuvash rituals (wedding, ker sari, green gold).

When: 13:00 - 18:00 / 13:30 - 18:00

Where: Pavilion K "House of Russian Cuisine" / Space at the "Stone Flower" fountain

All-Chuvash "Akatuy"

Song and dance theatrical program of the holiday will tell about the traditions of the Chuvash people, the history of the holiday, outstanding compatriots. The opening ceremony with the participation of the head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev will take place at 14:00 on the Main Street Stage, after which there will be a concert program with the participation of the Chuvash State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble, groups of the Chuvash State Philharmonic Society, vocal ensemble "Sespel", "Belkanto", "Syaval" and other creative associations of the republic.

When: 14:00 - 22:00

Where: Main Street Stage

Masterclass for beginner vocalists by Victoria Kaunova

Victoria Kaunova is one of the best jazz voices in Russia. Jazz is her main element, but at the same time Victoria is capable of mastering a wide variety of musical material, and her multifaceted vocal abilities allow her to successfully perform in the genres of Dixieland and musical. Participants of the masterclass will be able to learn the basics of vocal skills, learn how to breathe and hold their voice correctly, as well as receive advice on choosing repertoire.

When: 12:00 - 12:40

Where: Dreamers' Summer Library in front of Pavilion No. 1. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Creative meeting with TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov is a famous Russian TV presenter, musician and producer. He is a true connoisseur of music and knows a lot about its influence on our lives. In his performance he will tell how music can change your mood, inspire you to new accomplishments and even help you get through difficult times.

When: 12:00 - 13:00

Where: Pavilion No. 34 "Russian Space: Creating the Future". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Discussion "How Music Affects Our Brain"

The creator and author of the program about famous musicians and composers "By Studios", a famous musician working under the pseudonym — DJ Dimixer, the host of the weekly music chart Record Club Chart on Radio Record Dmitry Gumenny, a doctor-somnologist, endocrinologist Daria Lebedeva and practicing psychologist Ivan Deryabin will consider the influence of music on the human brain from different points of view and share their expert opinion with the listeners of the lecture.

When: 13:00 - 14:00

Where: Pavilion No. 34 "Russian Space: Creating the Future". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Time for the family: a workshop on inclusive ethics

The workshop will cover topics related to interaction with people with disabilities: mobility difficulties, visual, speech and hearing impairments. Specialists will conduct practical exercises in the format of team games and work through possible mistakes arising in communication.

When: 14:00 - 16:00

Where: Pavilion C "Family. Work. Longevity"

A movie party at the House of Polymers

A discussion of popular sci-fi movies will be held here. The pavilion guests will be shown excerpts from popular sci-fi and superhero movies. Viewers will be able to find out what Spider-Man's web is made of, what the werewolf potion is made of and what people of the future use to fuel their cars.

When: 16:00 - 18:00

Where: Pavilion No. 12 "SIBUR House of Polymers". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Theatricalized procession from the Moscow Historical Festival "Times and Epochs"

As part of the project, the Exposition will recreate the famous parade of physical culture that took place in the USSR. During the festival, reenactors will march around the "Stone Flower" fountain with flags, performing sports stunts.

Also, the atmosphere of the movie “They Met in Moscow” ("Swine-herd and Stableman") will be recreated at the Exposition. The musical scenes of the picture will be reenacted. In total, more than 200 reenactors will take part in the event.

When: 13:00

Where: The start of the route — the space near the "Stone Flower" fountain.

Flash mob "Beautiful Far Away"

The musical composition of the big Saturday flash mob is based on the popular song "Beautiful Far Away" by composer Yevgeny Krylatov on lyrics by poet Yuri Entin. The song reflects the theme of the youth flash mob festival itself - the dream of a beautiful future, this future. And what it will be like depends today on the young generation of Russians.

When: 17:00 - 17:10

Where: Start of the route — Pavilion No. 75 (entrance to Hall A, entrance to Hall B)

"Organ Universe" concert-presentation

The Sverdlovsk region presents a major achievement in the field of culture and art — a project involving an ultramodern organ.

Visitors will get acquainted with a unique instrument that combines the world's achievements in organ building and digital science. It has no analogues neither in Russia nor in the world. The instrument is able to reproduce the sound of 24 great organs in the acoustics of 24 cathedrals of the world. The program features classical masterpieces sounding like they are performed on the world-famous historical instruments.

When: 18:00 - 19:00

Where: Pavilion No. 34 "Russian Space: Creating the Future". Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Apartment concert with Anet Say

A unique opportunity to enjoy live performance of songs and feel closeness with the musician. Acoustic format will allow you to hear every note, every word and feel the emotions that musicians put into their compositions.

When: 22:00 - 23:00

Where: Dreamers' Summer Library at Pavilion No. 1. Registration is required on the RUSSIA EXPO website

Masterclass — acquaintance with the Dead Sea of the Trans-Urals — the Medvezhye healing lake

Guests of the Exposition will learn about the unique properties of the largest and saltiest lake in the Kurgan region, enjoy its aroma, learn about the secrets of cosmetics production, take part in the creation of a new product. During the event there will be testing of cosmetics based on therapeutic muds.

When: 14.00, 16.00, 18.00

Where: Pavilion No. 75 (Stand of the Kurgan region)

Farmers Fair

The Farmers Fair in Pavilion No. 48 invites you to be amazed by the variety and richness of tastes. Cheeses, sausages, delicacies, Siberian berry jam, chocolate-covered cones, black and red caviar from all regions of the country are presented here. You can comfortably get to our Fair by route No. K, which departs from Pavilion No. 75, as well as from the stop "Northern Loop", located at the arch of the Main Entrance of VDNH. Pavilion No. 48 is within walking distance from the "City Farm" stop.

When: 10:00 - 20:00

Where: Pavilion No. 48

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