Inventing the Future

"May! Labor is cool!": Russian Student Squads will hold the main May Day procession at the RUSSIA EXPO

"May! Labor is cool!": Russian Student Squads will hold the main May Day procession at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Alexey Nikolsky/Fotohost-RIA News agency

On May 1, a festive procession will be held at the RUSSIA EXPO, operated by the Russian Student Squads (RSS) in cooperation with Rosmolodezh. The event will be held under the slogan "May! Labor is cool!". More than 5000 people will take part in the parade: these are RSS activists from Moscow and Russian regions, veterans of the movement, partners, employers, students of universities and colleges, youth organizations, sports stars and young families.

"Russian Student Squads is the largest labor movement of Russian youth! In this anniversary year the number of the movement will reach 400 thousand people, uniting students and schoolchildren from 82 regions of our country. Who else but us today should become the organizers of the main labor holiday of Russia? I would like to note that large-scale events are taking place all over the country, and representatives of the Russian Student Squads are taking the most active part in them. At the RUSSIA EXPO, we have united the history of labor victories of our country in the 20th and 21st century, the largest employers of our country, who are now partners of the Russian Student Squads, representatives of the authorities and simply everyone who wants to participate," said Mikhail Kiselev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Student Squads.

With the help of costumed and theatricalized columns, the participants of the event will present the professions and results of humanity's work in the XX and XXI century, as well as the history of the 65 years of the student squads movement. The procession will consist of nine thematic columns, the participants of which will be veterans of student squads, students, government authorities, representatives of employers and large Russian companies, partners and employers of the RSS, participants of the student squad movement from different regions of Russia. The parade will also be attended by astronauts, artists, athletes, participants of youth movements and young families, student squad dynasties and families passing on labor experience from generation to generation.

The procession will end with a festive concert featuring artists and activists of student groups. Representatives of the country's leadership will address the march with greetings.

Within the framework of the All-Russian labor action "May! Labor is cool!" Russian Student Squads together with Rosmolodezh.Grants launched a grant competition. The projects will be defended on May 1 at the Exposition. Also, on this day in 89 subjects of the Russian Federation it is planned to hold urban clean-ups, cleaning of territories, renovation and refurbishment of objects of public importance, targeted assistance to families of military personnel, participation of young people and residents of communities in May Day processions.

In the run-up to the May 1 celebrations, classes as part of the "Conversations about Important Things" project introduced pupils in more than 40 000 schools in 89 regions of the country to the world of professions and the activities of the Russian Student Squads, as well as to the organization's projects and employment opportunities, including as part of teenage work teams. The labor lesson was conducted by both teachers and participants of the RSS movement.

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