Inventing the Future

Bear is the master of the Arctic, and we recognize it: the first female navigator of a nuclear icebreaker spoke about her work

Bear is the master of the Arctic, and we recognize it: the first female navigator of a nuclear icebreaker spoke about her work
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/Fotohost-RIA News agency

On the Day of the Far East and the Arctic, the RUSSIA EXPO hosted a meeting with Diana Kidzhi, who works as the senior assistant captain of the 50 Let Pobedy nuclear icebreaker.

Diana Kidzhi spoke about the role of the nuclear icebreaker fleet - in particular, it is necessary for the development of navigation along the Northern Sea Route, which is covered with ice most of the time. At the same time, icebreakers do not transport cargo themselves - they are designed to guide other ships. Today, there are only seven nuclear-powered icebreakers operating in the world. All of them belong to Russia.

Besides, the 50 Let Pobedy (50 Years of Victory) nuclear icebreaker makes unique tourist voyages - cruises to the North Pole in summer. Tourists can not only visit the unique ships, but also see, for example, polar bears - but if for them it is something interesting, then for the ship's crew it is a predicament, said Diana Kidzhi.

"We meet polar bears on every voyage. And if it's more of an adventure for tourists, it's partly a problem for us. We have no right to disturb animals in their natural habitat. And if a bear, roughly speaking, jumps out right in front of the icebreaker, the whole caravan changes the direction of movement to avoid hitting the bear. If there is nowhere to maneuver, all the ships stand humbly and wait for the bear to enjoy a walk, swim, hunt and move aside. The bear is the master of the Arctic, and we certainly recognize this," said Diana Kidzhi.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Throughout the entire time of the Exposition, guests can look forward to cultural events, a rich business and educational program. Visitors can see expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal agencies, corporations and public organizations.

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