Inventing the Future

Meeting with actress and choreographer Alla Sigalova held at the RUSSIA EXPO

Meeting with actress and choreographer Alla Sigalova held at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: SPb SBI "Congress and Exposition Bureau"

On March 6, at the RUSSIA EXPO, the St. Petersburg stand in Pavilion No. 75 hosted a meeting with Alla Sigalova, Soviet and Russian choreographer, director, actress, professor, Merited Artist of the Russian Federation. The event took place as part of the Ballet Week, which concludes the thematic season "Culture", organized by the St. Petersburg Culture Committee. The star talked to the audience, answered the host's questions and, of course, spoke with special warmth about the Northern Capital.

"For me, this is the most important city of my life, my country, and in general - the whole world, because wherever I am, my thoughts are always there. And, frankly speaking, for a long time I could not recognize that my home is Moscow. After all, my mom, dad, grandmother, teachers, friends stayed there in St. Petersburg. And every time I go out to the square of Moskovsky station, I say: "I'm home!". And in general - I think that Leningrad residents cannot be seduced by any other beauties and cities: maybe I am wrong, but still, the native city always remains native, and nothing can be done about it," said Alla Sigalova.

On the eve of March 8, the artist also shared her opinion on the role of the modern woman in the family and the world and the main qualities she should have: "The role of a woman, I think, is always the same - to guide the man. Because - well, what will he do without us? And we would whisper to him the right step to make, and then would let him believe that it was he himself who figured it all out. We're not trying to get ahead of him at all. We are the rear, the family and the confidence of a man that he can come home, exhale and receive love and support at any time. And this is very important. Therefore, our task is to always be near, to help and at the same time to be "in the shadow of the sycamore tree," said Alla Sigalova.

The star choreographer also told how she first felt the desire to dance, what is the role of a mentor on the way to the profession, what helps to achieve goals, where to get energy to "have time for everything", and even about the importance of proper nutrition and breathing.

At the end of the creative meeting Alla Sigalova addressed her fans with a small "farewell" - a wish: "I wish you a good spring, a warm summer, a sunny and productive year, so that the children are happy, husbands and wives are loved - in general, so that everything is fine. And that there is love, because it is the most important thing. So, love and do not offend each other".

The Ballet Week takes place at the stand of the Northern Capital from March 5 to 11. A lot of interesting events are waiting for guests - masterclasses for children and adults, quizzes and lectures from experts, meetings with ballet stars, flash mobs, presentations, performances by artists and much more. The main participants of the thematic week are the Manege Central Exposition Hall and the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Boris Eifman Academy of Dance". 

The special guests of the Ballet Week will be ballerina Yulia Makhalina, ballet dancer and choreographer Yuri Smekalov, ballet dancer Sergei Filin and others, and the opening ceremony of the Week was attended by the world-famous choreographer, honorary citizen of St. Petersburg, artistic director of the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theatre and creator of his own Academy of Dance Boris Eifman.

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