creating the future

The first All-Russian Wedding Festival came to an end at the RUSSIA EXPO

The first All-Russian Wedding Festival came to an end at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press office of the RUSSIA EXPO

On the final day, the marriage registration ceremony of thirteen couples from the Central Federal District of Russia took place on the Main Street Stage of the Exposition. Couples from the Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Moscow, Orel, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions became husband and wife.

"Today is the final day of the first All-Russian Wedding Festival. It has become a bright and significant continuation of the Year of the Family, the start of which was announced by President Vladimir Putin at the RUSSIA EXPO in January. There has never been such an event in the history of our country: over 300 people got married on the first day of the festival. And during the whole period of the Exposition, 564 people got married - this historic event will remain in the memory of 282 families for the rest of their lives. We are grateful to the representatives of the regions for their sensitive attitude to each couple and joint organization of this holiday. We also express our gratitude to the general partner of the festival — the Government of Moscow. And, of course, thank the newlyweds for sharing such an important event with us and the whole country," said Anastasia Zvyagina, Deputy Director General of the RUSSIA EXPO.

Many couples at the All-Russian Wedding Festival got married in national outfits, demonstrating the richness of Russia's cultures. "The festival ends today, but together with you we have started new wedding traditions in Russia — we saw many couples in traditional costumes. We hope that getting married according to our Russian customs will become fashionable, because it is really very beautiful," emphasized Anastasia Zvyagina.

Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The traditional wedding procession within the Festival started from the Main Arch of VDNH and ended at the Main Street Stage of the Exposition. Brides and grooms in brightly colored wedding dresses followed the festive route accompanied by a Romani ensemble, animators and creative groups from their native regions. The procession was also accompanied by a theatrical performance “Wedding Feast”, demonstrating the traditions of wedding feasts of different regions of Russia in a modern interpretation.

The festive procession ended with a solemn marriage registration. In addition, on the Main Street Stage of the Exposition, the newlyweds were traditionally handed over the symbolic flame of the All-Russian Family Hearth "Heart of Russia", which was lit at the Exposition on January 23 during the official launch ceremony of the Year of the Family with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The culmination of the final day of the Festival was a mass flash mob to the familiar song “Ah, This Wedding!” in an unexpected modern arrangement, in which the audience, newlyweds, professional dancers and guests of the RUSSIA EXPO took part. The large-scale celebration of the birth of new families ended with a bright concert on the Main Street Stage. Regional artists and groups, as well as Julianna Karaulova, the headliner of the musical program of the Festival, gave a festive mood to the guests and newlyweds.

Newlyweds Vyacheslav and Anastasia from the Orel region shared their impressions of the Festival. They chose regional folk costumes for the official marriage registration in order to represent their small homeland at the Festival to the fullest extent.

"We, of course, expected that there would be something grand and large-scale, but we could not even imagine that the organization would be at such a level. Thank you all, we are very happy!" said Anastasia.

The festive mood and impressions from the wedding ceremony were shared by newlyweds Sergei and Victoria from the Yaroslavl region.

"We came from the Yaroslavl region. We wanted to create a very interesting fairy tale that we would want to tell our grandchildren about. And indeed, this is probably the kind of story that one wants to share and pass on. Many of our friends came to celebrate this holiday with us in Moscow. Thank you all so much for being with us on one of the most important events in our lives," said Victoria.

Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press office of the RUSSIA EXPO

The first All-Russian Wedding Festival was held at the RUSSIA EXPO. It started on the first Sunday after Easter, May 12, on Red Hill. On that day, the Exposition's Main Street Stage hosted the largest simultaneous marriage ceremony with the participation of 151 couples.

 All the days from May 12 to May 19, solemn marriage registrations took place at VDNH, accompanied by handing each couple a symbolic flame of the All-Russian Family Hearth "Heart of Russia", as well as bright concerts with the participation of the best regional artists and groups. The general partner of the festival was the Government of Moscow.

The large-scale program of the first All-Russian Wedding Festival also included presentations of wedding traditions of Russian regions. Guests of the Exposition witnessed festive celebrations of different peoples of the country, saw the rituals of bride price and wishes for the young, wedding roundelays and other traditional stages of regional wedding ceremonies.

In addition, the Festival featured colorful costumed wedding processions, thematic masterclasses, tastings of wedding cuisine from different parts of Russia. And, of course, the highlight of the festival program was the opening of the exposition of traditional wedding costume "Fashion Brands of Russia. Evolution of Russian Style" in Pavilion No. 75.

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