Inventing the Future

The Russian Society "Knowledge" presented the educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO

The Russian Society "Knowledge" presented the educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Alexander Shchemlyaev

 The Russian Society "Knowledge" presented to journalists a large-scale educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO that is organized under the Decree of President Vladimir Putin and will be opened on November 4, 2023 at VDNH. The presentation took place on October 13 in the TASS press center, and was attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education and ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"».

The Russian Society "Knowledge" has become the general partner of the educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO, where the main achievements of our state in the XXI century will be presented. The events of the educational program will allow Russians and foreign guests to see how the successes in various fields of science and technology over the past 20 years have improved the quality of people's lives.

According to Maxim Dreval, General Director of the Russian Society "Knowledge", 32 partners are also involved in the preparation of the educational track of the Exposition - these are profile ministries, autonomous non-profit organizations, youth associations and large corporations, including the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Rosmolodezh, Roscosmos and Rosatom, Sber and Russian Railways, Russian movement of children and youth "Movement of the First", the presidential platform "Russia - a Land of Opportunities", the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and others.

As part of the Exposition, the country's largest educational organization together with its partners will organize seven lectures in the pavilions of VDNH, that will cover a wide range of issues related to Russia's modern achievements in various spheres will. The flagship lecture hall of the Russian Society "Knowledge" will be located in pavilion 57 "Russia - My History". There will be an interactive educational exposition "Labyrinth of Knowledge" dedicated to the groundbreaking inventions that were made in our country and changed the world.

Also, this pavillion will host the educational marathon of the Russian Society "Knowledge" - Knowledge.First, that will start on the opening day of the Exposition at VDNH and will be held on November 4-6. The marathon will be conceptually integrated into the theme of the Exposition at VDNH, where each letter in the word "Russia" has a certain meaning. Following the same logic, six marathon tracks are planned. The main topic for discussion will be the current achievements of our country and its citizens, which contribute to the development of Russia and increase its prestige in the international arena. Registration for the marathon is still open, until October 20 there is a chance to become a full-time participant of the program.

The audience can expect a lot of interesting things in each of the Exposition lecture halls. For example, pavilion 32-34 "Space" will host space lessons with a live broadcast from the Russian ISS. In pavilion 19 "Atom" visitors will be able to feel, literally feel with their skin, what happens inside an atom. An installation in the "Atom" pavilion will translate scientific terms into visuals to make it easier to understand what they mean.

Each week of the educational program will be devoted to a specific topic. The topics include Russia's achievements, tourism and hospitality industry, traditional spiritual and moral values, science and technology, culture and art, sports and healthy lifestyle.

"We have planned more than 5,500 performances in six months. It seems to me that no one in the world has ever done a program of this scale, we are the first, and this is another achievement, - said Maxim Dreval. -The program has a certain architecture. Every week we have tried to arrange the focus so as to give all participants an opportunity to immerse themselves in the key industries, areas of achievements and key holidays that fall on the dates of the Exposition. It's done so that there will always be an interest to come back again, meaning that each week there will be a new theme, new focuses, and new events. In the coming days, we will publish a specific schedule and give the opportunity to book seats in the halls".

The Educational Week will already take place in October - it is a training program for teachers from general educational institutions, secondary vocational education and supplementary education organizations of Moscow and the Moscow Region, who will conduct excursion lessons at the VDNH grounds for schoolchildren and students. At least a thousand teachers will take part in the educational program and conduct excursion lessons for 25 thousand students. To join the team of teachers-excursion guides, you need to register on the website of the Society "Knowledge".

Significant events of the Exposition at VDNH will be covered daily by the streaming TV channel Knowledge.TV, which will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to learn about the events of the educational, cultural and business program at any time. The broadcast studio of Knowledge.TV will be located in a stylish modern media cubicle at the entrance to VDNH.

At the press conference Maxim Dreval also drew attention to the fact that the educational program of the Exposition will go beyond Moscow and will cover all the regions of Russia. On November 4, "Walks with Knowledge" will begin, and the heads of the Russian regions will give excursions to the young people around significant places, tell them about cultural and natural monuments, show the enterprises and historical objects that are important for their regions.

On November 7, the Society "Knowledge" will launch a large-scale program called "Days of Regions". Forums, lectures, scientific battles and meetings with famous people will begin in all parts of Russia. Participants of these events will get acquainted with economic and cultural achievements of their region and will be able to share their ideas on the development of their native land.

Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, emphasized the following in his speech at the press conference: "The Year of Teacher and Mentor will officially come to an end this year, but the activities that have been launched will continue, including support for pedagogical dynasties, the "Thank You Teacher" campaign and many other projects. We should always remember about our teachers, say words of gratitude to them, because the profession of a teacher is the most important on Earth. We are planning to hold events related to the closing of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor at the RUSSIA EXPO. Among them are the award ceremony for the winners of the educational journalism contest "PRO Education - 2023" and the All-Russian forum dedicated to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the "Young Traffic Inspectors". Together with the Society "Knowledge" during the Exposition period from November 14, 2023 to April 9, 2024 every Wednesday at 18:00 "Talks about important" for the parent community will be held".

Sergey Kravtsov said that the Exposition will have several thematic spaces dedicated to the education system, including schools, vocational education institutions and preschool organizations. The head of the Ministry of Education noted that Russia has serious achievements in the field of education, which no other country in the world has. A unique national project "Education" is being implemented, which gives every schoolchild, regardless of where they live, the opportunity to get knowledge.

"Visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of All-Russian children's centers, as well as to try themselves in passing the USE and MGE, performing tasks of the All-Russian Olympics of schoolchildren", - added Sergey Kravtsov.

Anastasia Zvyagina, Deputy Director General for Information, Social Communications and Event Program of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» noted the uniqueness of the Exposition.

"All 89 regions of Russia are actively participating in the educational program of the Exposition. We have received over 700 proposals from them with events on a wide variety of topics, and almost 150 are already planned for November-December. The most interesting regional speakers will come to Moscow to give master classes, lectures, lessons and personal meetings. The exposition is unique in its scope and content; Russia has not yet seen events of this scale. We do it with love for the Motherland, the event has a hashtag #ThankYouMotherland", - said Anastasia Zvyagina, Deputy Director General for Information, Social Communications and Event Program of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"».

Konstantin Bogomolov, director and artistic head of the Moscow Drama Theatre on Malaya Bronnaya, spoke about the cultural program of the Exposition, noting that the program is huge and overlaps very closely with the educational events of the Society "Knowledge", the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is actively engaged in the preparation, and all institutions - Moscow and federal - are involved.

"I intend to attend all events if possible, because this is an absolutely unique experience, - emphasized Konstantin Bogomolov. - I urge everyone to go to watch film screenings, theater productions, concerts. Including the Knowledge.Cinema festival, which will be the largest festival of documentary films and will show that this genre is alive and well in Russia. There will be a cycle of 12 mono-performances "Voices of the Country" - a unique festival of documentary theater, for which playwrights will go to the regions to collect people's stories, and wonderful Russian actors will read these monologues at the Exposition for the first time. There will be Days of Creative Universities and much more. Don't miss it - all the events are unique".

The schedule of the Exposition educational program will appear on the website of the Russian Society "Knowledge". Even now guests of the Exposition can choose the topics they are interested in, leave their contact information and get the schedule of events on the required subjects. Artificial Intelligence, genetics, green economy, investments, technological entrepreneurship, phygital, technologies in art, advanced scientific developments - all these and many other topics will be addressed by the lecturers of the educational program.

The events of the educational program will be available upon preliminary registration.

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