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Websites of the RUSSIA EXPO have been subjected to a massive hacker attack from Ukraine and Western countries

Websites of the RUSSIA EXPO have been subjected to a massive hacker attack from Ukraine and Western countries
Expo News
Photo: CHUYN/

The websites of the International RUSSIA EXPO, which starts today at VDNH, have been subjected to a massive hacker attack with a capacity of at least 0.5 Tb/s. 

The attack was carried out through a controlled botnet network located in Ukraine, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Japan and other unfriendly countries.

As a result, the attackers managed to disrupt the correct and stable operation of,,,, and portals.

"This attack underscores the grandeur and enormous consolidating significance of the RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH, which frustrates ill-wishers from unfriendly countries. With their clumsy tactics they only confirm its international status. Of course, attempts to prevent citizens from learning about the achievements of their country in such a ludicrous way are doomed to failure - we see a tremendous interest in the event not only from Moscow residents, but also from residents of all corners of our country. And pointless efforts from abroad to reduce this interest only convince us that by holding the RUSSIA EXPO we have hit the bull's eye. We are waiting for our guests at VDNH today", - commented the press office of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"».

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