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Selfies against the backdrop of a waterfall and gold for good luck: Magadan region welcomes guests

Selfies against the backdrop of a waterfall and gold for good luck: Magadan region welcomes guests
Expo News
Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office

At the RUSSIA EXPO you can see Magadan's beauty with your own eyes and feel the magic of Kolyma. This unique region ranks first in Russia in silver and nugget gold mining, and second in native gold mining. It is also home to one of the largest nature reserves in the country.

The stand of the Magadan region, as it should be, attracts attention thanks to gold. On huge screens one can admire a waterfall of molten gold, and on the showcase one can see a moulage of the "Golden Giant". This is the largest nugget mined in Kolyma, weighing almost 17 kilograms. It is believed that it brings good luck: you only need to hold your hand over the nugget for 30 seconds.

Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office

Besides, at the stand you can get acquainted with the history of creation and development of the region. For example, you can learn about the excavations of the ancient town of Gizhiginsk, located in the North-Even district. And young visitors will surely appreciate the opportunity to play gold prospectors on interactive screens.

Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office

Also, everyone can take photos against the background of beautiful natural landscapes. After all, there are unique natural complexes and reserves in the region, which are definitely worth visiting. First of all, of course, it is about the "Magadansky" reserve. This is a huge territory with beautiful nature, where there are dozens of species of animals, as well as more than 180 varieties of birds. For example, in the Kava-Chelomdzha area you can see the red-listed eagle and osprey. In the Chelomji valley, the fish owl nests at the northern limit of its range.

Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office
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