Inventing the Future

Family well-being, masterclasses and quizzes: RUSSIA EXPO excursions not to be missed

Family well-being, masterclasses and quizzes: RUSSIA EXPO excursions not to be missed
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

Specially for the convenience of guests, experts have designed a variety of excursions that allow you to fully enjoy the exposition space.

Choose your ideal route and go on an adventure. We would like to remind you that on Monday (January 29) and Thursday (February 1) the exposition is holding a technical day.


If you want to see the RUSSIA EXPO in all its glory while having an interesting time with your families, then sign up for this tour.

The route will familiarize VDNH guests with the culture, history and traditions of our country. For example, you can see the amazing "New Year Trees of Russia": 89 live fir trees decorated according to regional traditions. The tour also includes a visit to the main exposition space of the RUSSIA EXPO - Pavilion No. 75. It will be especially interesting for young visitors here: the kids will get acquainted with folk crafts, will be able to appreciate virtual reality attractions and take part in masterclasses and quizzes.

IMPORTANT: to take part in the excursion, come at least 15 minutes before the start.

On weekends from 9:35 to 11:40, start: Pavilion M. Visitor Center



Another important family route. It is dedicated to family well-being and is aimed at opening new opportunities and perspectives for all family members from small to large. During the walk, guests will visit the exposition of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation at Pavilion No. 57, take a look at the Home of Youth and the Energy of Life exposition.

Start: Pavilion M. Visitor Center, daily from 10:00 to 17:00



This unusual excursion will allow you not only to visit interesting locations of VDNH, but also to take part in a professional photo shoot and learn the secrets of successful photos from an experienced photographer. Guests will enjoy an interesting walk and a lot of beautiful photos to remember the RUSSIA EXPO.

Pavilion M Guest Center, every Tuesday and Thursday, 13.30-15.30.


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