Inventing the Future

Harsh drama about growing up, humanized robots and unusual experiment: Cinema this week

Harsh drama about growing up, humanized robots and unusual experiment: Cinema this week
Expo News
Photo: mladenbalinovac/

Romantic comedy, sci-fi thriller and social drama - at the RUSSIA EXPO you can watch good movies of various genres, domestic and foreign, popular and art-house, for free. Choose your perfect session.


The story of a teenager who tries to earn the love of his relatives and find himself, but faces a harsh reality. A hard hitting auteur film about growing up that is sure to hook the thinking viewer.

Pavilion E, February 6, 19:20 - 20:50


It's hard to find the perfect partner, but it's quite possible to buy one. Alma gets a handsome robot programmed to meet her needs and desires. The woman is sure that the artificial lover will disappoint her, but in the end it is the android that will help Alma learn what it means to love and be human.

A perfect movie for February 7. After all, it is World Robotics Day. It was on this day that the famous science fiction writer and scientist Isaac Asimov formulated three inviolable laws of robotics, which became the basis for the development of this direction.

Pavilion E, February 7, 19:00 - 20:45


Mankind has been wiped out by a global catastrophe. But in the bowels of the earth there is a bunker where a robot-humanoid "Mother" grows a human child from an embryo. Raised under the careful care of "Mother," the girl has never seen the surface of the Earth or other humans. But one day her world is turned upside down when a woman shows up on the refuge's doorstep asking for help.

Pavilion E, February 8, 18:45 - 20:40


A true gift for fans of the famous opera singer, documentary film buffs and art lovers. A thorough and honest exploration of the life of Luciano Pavarotti, who to this day symbolizes an unreachable height not only in art, but also in the quest to make life better for people around the world.

Pavilion E, February 10, 20:00 - 21:55

TEST 18+

Imagine you have been offered 100,000 euros now or a million euros in ten years' time, but you have to fulfill a few conditions. The protagonists of this Spanish comedy agree to an unusual experiment and it leads to very unexpected consequences.

Pavilion E, February 11, 20:00 - 21:45

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