

RUSSIA EXPO will be held in Moscow

RUSSIA EXPO will be held in Moscow
Expo News

Within the upcoming month an Organizing committee headed by Sergei Kirienko, the first chief deputy of the Administration of the President of Russian Federation will be established.

The federal executive authorities, state corporations, foreign countries and the regions of Russian Federations are set to participate in the International RUSSIA EXPO.

The EXPO is held to demonstrate the most important achievements of Russia in various sectors of the economy including industry, power engineering, agro-industrial complex, transport, construction, science and culture, to present the positive experience for development of the regions of the country and to encourage the further international cooperation.

The preparations for the large-scale event have already started. The first brick has been laid on the construction site of the largest diversified expo of Russia. The participants have started to create their expositions for presentation.

It is planned that the International RUSSIA EXPO will be held within the period from November, 2023 to April, 2024.

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