Inventing the Future

The All-Russian Family Forum Dear — Loved Ones at the RUSSIA EXPO will open the Year of the Family

The All-Russian Family Forum Dear — Loved Ones at the RUSSIA EXPO will open the Year of the Family
Expo News
Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich/RIA News

The All-Russian Family Forum Dear - Loved Ones, which will be held from January 19 to 23, 2024 within the framework of the RUSSIA EXPO, will be the first official event of the Year of the Family in Russia. The Year of the Family is held under the Decree of President Vladimir Putin.

The forum will bring together families and family dynasties from all over the country for live communication, exchange of experience, traditions, values, joint art work of children and parents. The forum will also present the achievements of industries and companies that help preserve and develop families, family traditions and values. In total, more than 250 families representing 89 regions of the country and professional dynasties from various industries will take part in the forum events. 

The organizers of the forum are the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Mintrud of Russia), the Russian Society "Knowledge", the Movement of the First, and the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"». The Forum is supported by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Ministry of Sport of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA Russia).

On the first day of the forum, January 19, an opening concert will be held with the participation of family bands. The Choir of the First and popular Russian singers will sing songs familiar to everyone since childhood. Also, representatives of family dynasties, cultural and art figures will perform at the forum, family workshops, tournaments and movie screenings will be held. Forum participants will be able to research their family tree and join art contests. 

"More than 1000 people will participate in the special program of the Dear - Loved Ones Forum. These are family dynasties from every region of the country, professional dynasties of corporations and departments whose expositions are presented at the RUSSIA EXPO, large, young and adoptive families, descendants of outstanding Russian pioneers, families of Russian heroes and veterans of the SMO, as well as families of activists of the Movement of the First. All visitors to the RUSSIA EXPO will also be able to join the Dear - Loved Ones Forum and take part in its events," said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

The participants of the forum will participate in the Dynasties of Russia contest. Families-competitors will conduct excursions to the expositions of their regions, tell about the achievements of fellow countrymen and memorable places of their small homeland, will be able to show their creative abilities and perform on stage by a family group, cook dishes according to family recipes and take part in an intergenerational quiz.

Visitors to the RUSSIA EXPO will also be able to take part in the open program. Family days with masterclasses, interactive lectures, contests, family skating, street festivals, theatrical performances, author's excursions, tastings of national dishes and fairs will be organized in the pavilions of the exposition.

Key plans for the Year of the Family will be presented by the head of the organizing committee of the Year of the Family, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova and heads of relevant ministries and departments at a special presentation session of the Dear - Loved Ones Forum on January 22.

"The All-Russian Forum Dear - Loved Ones opens a whole series of events in the regions, which will be held throughout the year and will cover all 89 subjects. In the Year of the Family, special attention will be paid to the preparation of a strategic document on demographic and family policy until 2030. Events are planned to identify, encourage and disseminate the best practices to support families with children in the work of the corporate sector, and events that will bring together family members of different ages," explained Anton Kotyakov, Head of the Ministry of Labor.

 The forum will feature interesting lectures and interviews organized by the Russian Society "Knowledge", where participants will talk about their own family values and traditions, share their personal experiences, the ways they inspire their children to develop professionally, build trusting relationships with them and share the secrets of success. An extensive educational program of the forum will be presented by the Knowledge Society in Pavilions No. 57 Russia - My History, No. 55 "Home of Youth, No. 19 ATOM and No. 34 Cosmonautics and Aviation.

Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Ksenia Razuvaeva said that the forum Dear - Loved Ones will become a space for dialog of generations and co-creation of children and adults. "Dynasties from all over the country are invited to participate in the forum. These are families that for many years have been contributing to the development of their regions, developing entire industries. The achievements of the largest companies and corporations will be presented through the achievements of families," said Ksenia Razuvaeva.

The head of Rosmolodezh emphasized that the family community Dear - Loved Ones unites children and parents across Russia: "More than 200 thousand families have already joined the Dear - Loved Ones community. These are families where parents support their children and are ready to develop together with them. Families from all over the country come to the Dear - Loved Ones sessions, and together they implement their own projects and share their experience of upbringing. Parents become mentors in the Movement of the First, support the children and help them in everything".

On January 23, the final day of the forum, the Year of the Family in Russia will be officially launched. 

The Year of the Family is held in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to popularize the state policy in the sphere of family protection and preservation of family values, special attention during this period will be paid to families with many children and multi-generational families. The plan of the main events of the year has been approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. During the year, the program of events of the Year of the Family covers 89 Russian regions and is designed for adults and children of various ages.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered on one platform. Throughout the entire time of the Exposition, guests can look forward to cultural events, a rich business and educational program. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal agencies, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors. The exposition takes place at VDNH in Moscow from November 4 to April 12.

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