Inventing the Future

"You share common values - it's worth a lot": Talking about important things with Yana Churikova at the Exposition

"You share common values - it's worth a lot": Talking about important things with Yana Churikova at the Exposition
Expo News
Photo: Maxim Blinov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

The RUSSIA EXPO hosted a meeting with TV presenter, public figure, co-chair of the Russian Schoolchildren Movement Yana Churikova.

The main subject of the conversation was the World Youth Festival, which will be held from March 1 to 7 on the Sirius Federal Territory in Sochi. At the beginning of the meeting Yana Churikova noted the importance of dialog between the youth and the older generation so that "we could all feel ourselves as being one society and one nation". She said that the friendship that unites people of different views, yet close in spirit and sharing common values, is precious.

Photo: Maxim Blinov/Fotohost-RIA News agency

"You are united by many things. You share common values - that's what is precious. Finding such people is a great gift. And then you have to work on those relationships. There's never a freebie. Friendship is both a gift and a labor," said Yana Churikova.

Using the example of the World Youth Festival, she emphasized the importance of such forums for dialogue between the younger generation from different countries. She also recalled the history of the World Youth Festivals in our country in 1957 and 1985 and told how she attended the event in Sochi in 2017.

"I, being the event's ambassador at the time, flew to Sochi. The first thing that happened to me when I entered the festival grounds was that I was spun around by guys with guitars, and within a minute we were singing with them a song about Comandante Che Guevara in Spanish. That's how the cultural program of the festival began," said Yana Churikova.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project "Conversations about Important Things" of the Russian Society "Knowledge" - the general partner of the Exposition's educational program.

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