Inventing the Future

The RUSSIA EXPO is recruiting tour guides

The RUSSIA EXPO is recruiting tour guides
Expo News
Photo: Rosmolodezh program "More than a trip"

Professional guides, employees of museums and tourist information centers, students of colleges and universities, teachers and local historians are invited to work at the RUSSIA EXPO.

Those who want to prove themselves in tour guiding sphere are also invited: animators, presenters, specialists speaking foreign languages, actors, bloggers from 22 years old.

Selection and preparation is carried out by the Rosmolodezh program "More than a Trip". Yulia Kopych, one of its acting guides from the Altai region, shared her impressions of the work.

"I am grateful to the program "More than a Trip" for the opportunity to be useful to the guests of the RUSSIA EXPO and my country. As a "guide of meanings" I had time to work at both the RUSSIA EXPO and WFM-2024. I tell visitors about the bright achievements and successes of our country, its outstanding people and young talents. It is an amazing feeling," shared her emotions Yulia Kopych — an acting tour guide at the Exposition from the Altai region.

Successful participants who pass the initial assessment will proceed to training and then demonstrate their skills and mastery of tour guiding methodology on the certification route. For more information about the recruitment of tour guides, please visit the website of the "More Than a Trip" program.

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