04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


Branded merchandise

The unique style of the RUSSIA EXPO is represented in the branded merchandise of the event. Badges, caps, shoppers and other items with the recognizable RUSSIA logo will become a perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones as a memory of the country's main event. All goods are available for purchase for rubles and game currency - in-game digital rubles, which can be earned by participating in activities on our website, in the official mobile application and at the exposition stands.


Expo News
May holidays at the RUSSIA EXPO — schedule
Dear guests! Please check the opening hours for the May holidays
Expo News
Ildar Abdrazakov, the best opera bass of the planet, will perform at the RUSSIA EXPO on May 9

On Victory Day, one of the world's most famous opera singers, recognized as the best bass of the planet, will perform songs from the country's golden fund at the RUSSIA EXPO.

Expo News
A solemn procession in honor of Victory Day took place at the RUSSIA EXPO

On May 9, a solemn procession in honor of the Great Victory Day took place at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

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