Inventing the Future

Aram Gabrelyanov shared the secrets of writing creative texts at the RUSSIA EXPO

Aram Gabrelyanov shared the secrets of writing creative texts at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Press office of the ATOM Pavilion

Aram Gabrelyanov, Editorial Director of News Media Holding, talked about what creativity is and shared his opinion on creative approach to writing.

"You can't just train creativity. You have to work on it all the time. When you realize that you have a new story to tell, your brain starts working. If you do not want to do something creative yourself, you can't forcefully do it, you can't train it. Here it is also worth noting that people are moved by emotions and unemotional, formalist approach doesn't appeal to them. If you are able to interpret certain story the way we need based on emotions, then it is a completely different approach. But then it is already a new level of journalism!" Aram Gabrelyanov emphasized.

He also assessed the impact of information technologies on modern journalism, noting that despite all the positive aspects, "special machines" will not be able to bring emotions and feelings into the text.

Photo: Press office of the ATOM Pavilion

"The Chinese have special programs that take information without the presence of journalists, copy it and put it online. There is no emotion there. When IT people claim that they will make a special machine that can do something, I say to that: yes, you will, but there is no soul in the mechanisms there. Artificial intelligence can't love, however, it easily adapts to life, as it is devoid of any feelings, easily and effortlessly doing its job," said Aram Gabrelyanov.

At the end of the event, he answered the questions of future journalist-students, as well as talked to everyone. The meeting was moderated by Yulia Gileva, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Strana Rosatom (Rosatom Country).

The event was part of a project organized by the Electric Power Division of Rosatom State Corporation (Rosenergoatom Concern) with the support of the Nuclear Energy Information Centers network and the Business Dot (Business i Tochka) Media Group of business publications as part of the RUSSIA EXPO.

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