creating the future

Flower Moon, satellite and rocket: space-themed flowerbed expositions of the "Future in Flowers" festival

Flower Moon, satellite and rocket: space-themed flowerbed expositions of the "Future in Flowers" festival
Expo News
Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office

The flower festival continues at the RUSSIA EXPO. Its main pride is the regional flowerbeds that are a must-see. Finding the flower compositions is easy: they surround the Vostok rocket near the "Space" pavilion.


The "Treasures of Amur" composition attracts attention not only with its flowers and plants but also with its architectural elements. The "Arch" symbolizes the sunrise in the Far East, a window to the East, and planet Earth. The "Satellite Among the Stars" represents the development of the space industry in the region. This is home to the Vostochny Cosmodrome — one of Russia's most ambitious projects in the XXI century. Just last year, 45 spacecraft were launched from the cosmodrome.

Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office


Kaluga is called the space capital of Russia, where the ideas of Russian cosmonautics were born. It’s no surprise that the region designed its floral exposition with a corresponding aesthetic. Here, Exposition guests can see the "Earth-Moon" space route. At the core is a simulated lunar surface adorned with earthly flowers. Installed lunar wind turbines maintain ecological balance and generate oxygen. On the space flowerbed, the Milky Way, made of many small white blossoms, is easily discernible. But the main characters of the exposition are little cosmonauts who, through their efforts, transform the lunar space into a blooming earthly garden.

Photo: provided by the RUSSIA EXPO press office


The name of the world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, is inextricably linked with the Saratov region. "Here began my winged youth... I returned to Saratov's land from space," Gagarin wrote in his book. When creating the flowerbed exposition, the region took inspiration from the space theme and the Park of Conquerors of Space. The key element is a model of our planet with a model of the Moon and the Vostok-1 spacecraft. This art object commemorates the first human flight into space.

At the "Future in Flowers" festival, you can see much more. Follow the Events section on our website.

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