Inventing the Future

Chicken soufflé and cloudberry clouds: "Russian breakfast of a donor" can be tasted at the RUSSIA EXPO

Chicken soufflé and cloudberry clouds: "Russian breakfast of a donor" can be tasted at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News

On National Donor Day, April 20, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency invites you to take part in a festive culinary performance. Unusual tastings and masterclasses await guests at the House of Russian Cuisine.

A team of cooks from the House of Russian Cuisine and transfusiologist Ekaterina Belotskaya from the Blood Center of FMBA of Russia will introduce the audience to the principles of quality balanced nutrition and opportunities to diversify the diet before donation and between donation procedures.

Special attention at the masterclass will be paid to the rules of preparation for donation. Guests will learn what can be eaten before donation and how to eat both correctly and deliciously. They will be able to make up for themselves an ideal donor's breakfast and diversify their diet on the eve of donation. In addition, donors will have to evaluate the dishes of the chefs and vote for their favorite options. In total, the program of Saturday's gastronomic performance includes 10 dishes and drinks of Russian breakfast from the Far East to the Arctic.


Spelt porridge with baked vegetables (carrots, zucchini, carrots, sweet pepper)

Oatmeal kissel 

Svetlana Bokova, founder and brand-chef of the Far Eastern cuisine production " Kamchatka House", Kamchatka region.


Oatmeal porridge with lingonberries

Tea with lingonberries and cranberries

Sea buckthorn and black currant morse

Danila Kozlov, founder of the northern delicatessen chain "Azbuka Severa" ("ABC of the North"), Moscow, Kirill Goryachev, chef of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Corner, House of Russian Cuisine.


Chicken soufflé

Dessert from "donor's favorite cookies" with apple

Mikhail Gavrilov, chef of the Karelia Republic's corner "EatInKarelia", House of Russian Cuisine.


Andrei Vinogradov, chef of the Murmansk region corner "Arctic Moon", House of Russian Cuisine.

Millet with caramel pear and apple puree

Dessert "Cloudberry clouds" with "Jubilee" cookies

"Warming" Tea

Sergei Mitrofanov, chef of mobile Arctic cuisine "Arctic Moon" and Andrei Vinogradov, chef of the corner "Arctic Moon", Murmansk region, House of Russian Cuisine.

Presenters of the day: curator of the House of Russian Cuisine, author of the project "Gastronomic Map of Russia" Ekaterina Shapovalova and her daughter - Anna Shapovalova, pediatrician, resident pediatric endocrinologist at NMRC of Endocrinology, donor with 6 years of experience.

Let us remind you that the National Donor Day is celebrated annually on April 20. It was on this day in 1832 that a young St. Petersburg obstetrician Andrei Martynovich Wolf first successfully performed blood transfusion to a woman in labour. The woman's life was saved thanks to the competent work of the doctor and donated blood of the patient's husband.

April 20, 15:00 - 17:00, House of Russian Cuisine.

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