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The International RUSSIA EXPO celebrated the All-Russian Day of Mordovian Languages

The International RUSSIA EXPO celebrated the All-Russian Day of Mordovian Languages
Expo News
Photo: Press Center of the Republic of Mordovia

Ceremonial events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Mordovian Languages were held at the RUSSIA EXPO.

A school of Mordovian languages worked at the republic's stand all day long. Guests could see an Exposition of educational and methodical, artistic and educational literature in the Moksha and Erzya languages, take part in various interactive activities and masterclasses from the M. E. Yevseviev Mordovian Pedagogical University.

Young visitors got acquainted with the Mordovian alphabet, played board games and plunged into the online journey "Through the Pages of Folk Tales". The festive mood of all guests was granted by performances of ensembles "Umarina", "Eryama", "Azorava". The All-Russian Day of Mordovian Languages was solemnly opened by the ethnographic folklore group "Merema".

"This is the first time we hold such an event, its theme is very relevant - "Mordovian languages in the information space". I congratulate each of you, this is an important cultural event in the life of Mordovia," said Svetlana Baulina, Minister of Culture, National Policy and Archival Affairs of the Republic of Mordovia.

Svetlana Nikitovna read out the greeting of the head of the region Artyom Zdunov: "Celebration of the Day of Mordovian languages has become a good tradition for our multinational state. Almost every region has people for whom Moksha or Erzya are native languages. I address with words of gratitude to all of you who love and cherish your language, culture and identity. The love for one's native language is the beginning of patriotism and love for the Motherland. The language preserves the age-old wisdom and spiritual heritage of ancestors. Mordovia is working hard to preserve and develop languages, national culture and traditions. This is facilitated by the measures of the state program, as well as various festivals and holidays. I congratulate everyone on the Day of Mordovian Languages! May mutual understanding, love and prosperity reign in every home. Then every resident of our common home - the great Russia - will be warm".

For their contribution to the preservation of the Mordovian language, culture and traditions of the Erzya and Moksha peoples the gratitude of the head of the Republic of Mordovia was awarded to Olga Lysenko, the head of the Mordovian NCC "Inenarmun" in Chelyabinsk, Elena Panova, the chairman of the public organization "Local Mordovian National Autonomy" in Nizhny Novgorod, Natalia Sabitova, the chairman of the Mordovian NCA of the Republic of Tatarstan, and others.

The bright end of the day was a concert program "From Moksha to Sura" by the state song and dance ensemble "Umarina".

"It so happened that our country is multinational, and each nation has its own centuries-old history, from which the common history of Russia is formed. From languages, traditions, folklore of both small and large peoples the culture of our country is created. We must create conditions for preserving the Mordovian languages. This is both the duty of the state and of all of us," said Senator of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tultayev.
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