Inventing the Future

"We expect a boom in digitalization": Services to protect entrepreneurs were discussed at the Exposition

"We expect a boom in digitalization": Services to protect entrepreneurs were discussed at the Exposition
Expo News
Photo: Vitaly Belousov/RIA News

Participants of the expert panel "For Business. Organization and Services for the Protection of Entrepreneurs" at the Exposition discussed how entrepreneurs should assert their rights, as well as government and public assistance tools.

Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), cited the results of a number of surveys concerning legal support for business.

"According to the RSPP survey, a fifth of surveyed companies in 2023 faced violations of legal rights by state authorities, of which more than 5% on a regular basis and almost 15% in isolated cases. The values of the indicators are similar to 2022. At the same time, an overwhelming number of companies consider court proceedings to be the most effective way to protect their rights," said the RSPP President.

The issue of intellectual property protection was also touched upon.

"When achieving its goals, the business barely thinks about whether its intellectual rights are protected - the product, its name, the name of the company itself. There is a misconception that such things should be left for later. But to develop your own brand without its protection is fraught with the risk that the business will constantly be subject to lawsuits. There is also a risk of losing the entire business. Registration of intellectual rights to a brand, patenting of key technology or specially written software - all of this should be subject to deep analysis and legal protection, because it is intellectual property and a component of success," emphasized the head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property Yuri Zubov.

Sergei Morozov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Governance, drew attention to the need to develop the digitalization of Russian business.

"When considering business protection, we put everything that happens in the digital environment at the forefront. We expect a boom in digitalization. Those companies that do not understand the digital transformation that is taking place in the world are dooming themselves to at least non-development, if not worse. The level of digitalization of small businesses in our country is only 17%. Among individual entrepreneurs and microenterprises - 8%," said Sergei Morozov.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered at one site. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal agencies, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors. More than 7 million people have already visited the Exposition. The International RUSSIA EXPO takes place at VDNH in Moscow from November 4 to July 8.

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