Inventing the Future

Bird of happiness and purification rites: Tula wedding at the RUSSIA EXPO

Bird of happiness and purification rites: Tula wedding at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/Fotohost-RIA News agency

Pavel Martynov and Anastasia Zaytseva, residents of the Tula region, got married at the RUSSIA EXPO. The ceremony according to the traditions of the region lasted almost an hour. The artists of the folklore ensemble Uslada of the Tula Philharmonic helped to reproduce the folk flavor of the Tula wedding.

"The feelings are unforgettable! You could say we experienced such emotions for the first time, because we had such an opportunity - to get married at the main exposition of the country. We thank everyone for the gifts and invitation to the RUSSIA EXPO", - shared his impressions Pavel Martynov.

During the ceremony, the audience was shown the traditional weaving of the Bird of Happiness, a mock "bargaining" of matchmakers, hammering a nail into a tree as a symbol of purification from all bad things, ritual binding of the bride and groom's hands with a towel, as well as the first kiss of the newlyweds.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/Fotohost-RIA News agency

"I am very happy that today we are wearing our traditional Tula costumes, because we are native Tula residents and we very much honor and respect our traditions", - added his beloved Anastasia.

One of the brightest elements of the wedding ceremony was the decoration of the fir tree with colored ribbons. The guests of the ceremony also took part in it. Among Tula people, the fir tree decorated during the wedding symbolizes future family happiness and prosperity. On behalf of the Governor of the Tula region, Olga Gremyakova, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Tula region, congratulated the young couple.

"Today the chronicle of your family begins, and it begins in the very heart of our country - in Moscow, at the RUSSIA EXPO. I think that you will keep the memory of it for life and pass it on to your children. I am glad that the wedding ceremony was performed in our traditions, with our Tula flavor, and that the young people are wearing traditional Tula wedding dresses. How beautiful and happy you look in them! I wish you to live happily ever after, to honor your parents, to respect and love each other. And I am sure that you will pass on the family and craftsmanship traditions of our region to your children, so I wish you more children", - Olga Gremyakova said.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/Fotohost-RIA News agency

As a gift from the governor, the newly-married family received a certificate for the purchase of household appliances, a wedding trip and a real Tula samovar with sweets. Deputy Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» Anastasia Zvyagina joined the congratulations and gift-giving ceremony.

"Thank you for being so brave and tying the knot here - in front of numerous witnesses, at the RUSSIA EXPO. And we also learned a lot today about your traditions, thank you for that. I want to wish you good luck, good fortune, and for you to always be together and look in the same direction", - said Anastasia Zvyagina.

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