04.11.2023–08.07.2024 MOSCOW, VDNH


VDNH and the ANO "Directorate of XXI Century Achievements Exposition" signed a cooperation agreement

VDNH and the ANO "Directorate of XXI Century Achievements Exposition" signed a cooperation agreement
Expo News

The document is aimed at cooperation in the preparation and organization of the International RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH.

Since its opening in 1939 the VDNH Exposition has been a venue for showcasing the advanced achievements in various fields and nowadays this tradition is being continued. On March, 29 a Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin "On the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the International RUSSIA EXPO" was issued. In the Decree he instructed to conduct the International RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH in 2023-2024.

The territory of VDNH will become the principal venue for showcasing the most important achievements of the Russian Federation in various sectors of the economy, including industry, energy, agriculture, transportation, construction, science and culture, the positive development experiences of the RF subjects, as well as for promoting further international cooperation of the RF.

The agreement was signed by Natalia Virtuosova, Director General of the "XXI Century Achievements Exposition", and Sergey Shogurov, Director General of the VDNH.

The Exposition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNH) is the largest exposition, museum and recreational complex in the world, a popular public space in the Russian capital. The total area of the VDNH and Ostankino Park combined is over 325 hectares, there are 49 objects of cultural heritage of federal and regional significance. Over its 80-year history, VDNH has become one of the most visited landmarks of Moscow and one of the symbols of the country.

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