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All-Russian Forum "Women: Preserving Traditions — Developing Russia" will open at the RUSSIA EXPO on March 5

All-Russian Forum "Women: Preserving Traditions — Developing Russia" will open at the RUSSIA EXPO on March 5
Expo News
Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA News

On March 5-6, the All-Russian Women's Forum "Women: Preserving Traditions  Developing Russia" will start in Moscow within the framework of the International RUSSIA EXPO. The event, which will be attended by women from all subjects of Russia, is organized by the Federation Council. The Forum is designed to demonstrate the participation of women in the realization of the all-Russian agenda, in the achievement of our national goals and the innovative development of the regions. Women contribute to the growth of the Russian economy.

"The year 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in our country by the President of Russia, so the theme of family protection and preservation of traditional values will be one of the central themes at the forum. Visitors are expected to attend numerous strategic and thematic sessions, discussions, presentations, expositions, shows of collections of Russian female designers, which will be held at the stands of the regions and in the industry pavilions of VDNH," said Galina Karelova, Chairwoman of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum.

"The dynamic development of the women's agenda has become possible thanks to the integral state policy in the interests of women, which features not only improving the quality of their lives, but also expanding opportunities for women's participation in the agenda of socio-economic development of their regions and the country. This was facilitated by the adoption of a whole set of measures, including the approval of the National Action Strategy for Women, state support for the employment of women on maternity leave, women with children, women's entrepreneurial initiatives and leadership development," the parliamentarian emphasized.

Galina Karelova noted that an event of such a scale as the All-Russian Women's Forum will be held for the first time.

"All 89 regions of Russia at their stands are preparing events dedicated to the role and contribution of women in the development of regions. All industry expositions of the RUSSIA EXPO will be involved and updated. Most of them will be supplemented with new interactive programs that will run non-stop. In fact, almost the entire space of VDNH and the RUSSIA EXPO during the forum will be for women and about women, about those whom we can be proud of today," said the Chairwoman of the EWF Council.

The central event of the forum will be the awarding ceremony for winners of the prize "At the Call of Women's Heart". The founders of the award are the Federation Council and the State Foundation "Defenders of the Fatherland".

The award winners are 10 women from Russian regions. "They have different professions and occupations, but they are united by love for their country and aspiration for its breakthrough development. In the face of new challenges, they actively participate in solving strategic issues of import substitution, introduction of new technologies in medicine and pharmaceuticals, ensuring food security, contribute to the preservation of a healthy society, family values and upbringing of future generations. At the call of their hearts, they help the participants of the special military operation, families of servicemen, collect humanitarian supplies and help in their delivery to new regions. Women both in the rear and on the front line do their best to achieve the goals set by the President," Galina Karelova said.

The parliamentarian emphasized that the March forum is intended to become a meeting place for proactive and creative women of different professions from all regions of the country, who will discuss pressing issues, share their experiences and successes.

The senator noted that the forum will include the All-Russian educational marathon of the "Knowledge" Society. It is planned that the event will be attended by female leaders who have achieved great success in their work, representatives of the business and scientific community, public organizations, famous sportswomen, entrepreneurs, statesmen and artists.

Also during the forum, thematic events and sessions dedicated to women's contribution to the development of all spheres of society will be held at all regional stands (Pavilion No. 75) and in the sectoral pavilions of ministries and state corporations of the RUSSIA EXPO. The forum program is available on the website.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Throughout the Exposition, cultural events, a rich business and educational program await the guests. The expositions of 89 Russian regions, leading federal agencies, corporations and public organizations are presented to the visitors. More than 7 million people have already visited the Exposition. The International RUSSIA EXPO takes place on the territory of VDNH in Moscow from November 4 to July 8.

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