Inventing the Future

Zakhar Prilepin presented a book about the heroes of the special military operation at the exposition

Zakhar Prilepin presented a book about the heroes of the special military operation at the exposition
Expo News
Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA News

The first collection of stories about the veterans of the special military operation - the book "Life for Your Friends" - was published by the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation under the editorship of writer Zakhar Prilepin. The book is based on personal stories of veterans of the SMO and family members of fallen fighters. The presentation of the book took place at the RUSSIA EXPO.

"As we all know, in the beginning was the word. We all live in the space of historical memory. As far as we preserve this memory, so we are self-valuable as a nation and as a people. Memory is first of all transmitted through the word, through the text. In general, any nation that exists in the world today was created around a campfire, when people sang some victory ode, usually a military one. Around this ode, memorizing it, different nations, including ours, were created. And through "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", through "The Tale of the Battle with Mamai", through "Borodino", through "Poltava", through "And Quiet Flows the Don", through "The Road to Calvary" we get a colossal national memory of ourselves. We recognize ourselves in these characters, in these heroes, in Prince Igor, in Yaroslavna, who cries on the wall, in Grishka Melekhov. As long as this memory exists, we exist as a people," said writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin.

According to the writer, the events taking place today will become part of the national consciousness in Russia - for this it is very important to have time to record them.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA News

"Today we are present at one of the very first steps when the tragic, agonizing events taking place become part of the national myth. What is happening now in our native, dear, beloved Ukraine - this, of course, will become part of our national consciousness, like the events of ancient Kievan Rus', like the reunification of Russia and Ukraine. Today this myth is beginning to take shape," Zakhar Prilepin emphasized.

Anna Tsivileva, Chairman of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, revealed the history of the creation of the collection of stories about veterans of the special military operation.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA News

"This is a unique project. The very idea of its creation was born when we held the first Defenders of the Fatherlan forum. Then our heroes - veterans of the special military operation from all over Russia - came together. In communication, they told us amazing, often instructive stories from their lives. These are real people, real stories, real fates. Their stories are so profound and inspiring that we had the idea to capture them in a book so that our future generations and our contemporaries will have the opportunity to look at the tragic stories and moments of our country and life with different eyes - the eyes of those who defend the interests of our country at the cost of their own lives," said Anna Tsivileva.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA News

Sergei Novikov, head of the Presidential Department for Public Projects, noted that the stories in this book come from the heart of the participants of the special military operation. "These stories will remain in memory for many years and will go down in history. It is important to disseminate them, to create literary works on their basis. It is important that they were written in a language that is understandable to the younger generation. Because we need to interest young people and tell them the truth through the artistic word, which can captivate millions of readers," said Sergei Novikov, Head of the Presidential Department for Public Projects.

Alexander Bugaev, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, agreed with Sergei Novikov. "Now a large number of veterans who have returned from the front come to public organizations, schools.  This book can become the main book for them to prepare appropriate materials, adapted by age for children. There is nothing more valuable than direct live communication with a veteran, a participant of a special military operation," said Alexander Bugayev.

Nadezhda Prepodobnaya, State Secretary of the Minister of Culture of Russia, believes that the collection of short stories "Life for Your Friends" should appear in the collections of Russian libraries, it is also important to digitize the book.  "This means that it will be available to everyone," Nadezhda Prepodobnaya said.

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